Riverscapes / QRiS

Riverscapes Studio - for QGIS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Data Exchange not tiling certain outputs #534

Open MattReimer opened 6 days ago

MattReimer commented 6 days ago

The Data Exchange Tilerizer seems to be choking on some of the analysis layers of RiverscapesStudio projects

Like this one: https://data.riverscapes.net/rv/d1742860-27fe-482c-8956-4973c1a6a805

Notice how the Analysis 1 and Vegetation and inundation layers have not tiled.

From the tiling logs it looks like there may be some issues with the geopackage:

The command:

ogrinfo -al -so /tmp/Tiles-1731715447159LlJeLi/orig/qris.gpkg

(the paths are not important. The tilerizer uses temporary folders for things)


Warning 1: Table/view lkp_zoi_stage is referenced in gpkg_contents, but does not exist
Warning 1: Table/view structure_types is referenced in gpkg_contents, but does not exist
Warning 1: Table/view zoi_types is referenced in gpkg_contents, but does not exist
Warning 1: table 'vw_complexes_1' has multiple geometry fields. Ignoring field 'geom:1' for this layer
Warning 1: table 'vw_complexes_3' has multiple geometry fields. Ignoring field 'geom:1' for this layer
Warning 1: table 'vw_active_channel_5' has multiple geometry fields. Ignoring field 'geom:1' for this layer
Warning 1: table 'vw_active_channel_6' has multiple geometry fields. Ignoring field 'geom:1' for this layer
Warning 1: table 'vw_active_channel_7' has multiple geometry fields. Ignoring field 'geom:1' for this layer
Warning 1: table 'vw_active_channel_8' has multiple geometry fields. Ignoring field 'geom:1' for this layer
Warning 1: table 'vw_active_channel_9' has multiple geometry fields. Ignoring field 'geom:1' for this layer
Warning 1: table 'vw_active_channel_12' has multiple geometry fields. Ignoring field 'geom:1' for this layer
ERROR 1: sqlite3_get_table(pragma table_xinfo('vw_analysis_1')) failed: no such column: mask_feature_id
ERROR 1: sqlite3_prepare_v2(SELECT Count(*) FROM "vw_analysis_1") failed: no such column: mask_feature_id
ERROR 1: sqlite3_get_table(SELECT MIN(ST_MinX("geom")), MIN(ST_MinY("geom")), MAX(ST_MaxX("geom")), MAX(ST_MaxY("geom")) FROM "vw_analysis_1" WHERE "geom" IS NOT NULL AND NOT ST_IsEmpty("geom")) failed: no such column: mask_feature_id
ERROR 1: sqlite3_get_table(pragma table_xinfo('vw_analysis_2')) failed: no such column: mask_feature_id
ERROR 1: sqlite3_prepare_v2(SELECT Count(*) FROM "vw_analysis_2") failed: no such column: mask_feature_id
ERROR 1: sqlite3_get_table(SELECT MIN(ST_MinX("geom")), MIN(ST_MinY("geom")), MAX(ST_MaxX("geom")), MAX(ST_MaxY("geom")) FROM "vw_analysis_2" WHERE "geom" IS NOT NULL AND NOT ST_IsEmpty("geom")) failed: no such column: mask_feature_id

And the command:

ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON /tmp/Tiles-1731715447159LlJeLi/orig/qris.gpkg.vw_analysis_2_tmp.geojson /tmp/Tiles-1731715447159LlJeLi/orig/qris.gpkg -dialect sqlite -t_srs EPSG:4326 -sql "select * from vw_analysis_2" 2>&1 | tee /tmp/Tiles-1731715447159LlJeLi/tiles/ogr2ogr.log


Warning 1: Table/view lkp_zoi_stage is referenced in gpkg_contents, but does not exist
Warning 1: Table/view structure_types is referenced in gpkg_contents, but does not exist
Warning 1: Table/view zoi_types is referenced in gpkg_contents, but does not exist

ERROR 1: In ExecuteSQL(): sqlite3_prepare_v2(select * from vw_analysis_2):
  no such column: mask_feature_id
runCommand: ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON /tmp/Tiles-1731715447159LlJeLi/orig/qris.gpkg.vw_analysis_2.geojson /tmp/Tiles-1731715447159LlJeLi/orig/qris.gpkg.vw_analysis_2_tmp.geojson -simplify 0.000005 2>&1 | tee /tmp/Tiles-1731715447159LlJeLi/tiles/ogr2ogr_simplify.log
ERROR 1: Unable to open datasource `/tmp/Tiles-1731715447159LlJeLi/orig/qris.gpkg.vw_analysis_2_tmp.geojson' with the following drivers.