Riverscapes / RaveAddIn

RAVE AddIn for ArcGIS
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 3 forks source link

Update Open-Project for all three flavors of RAVE #146

Open joewheaton opened 2 years ago

joewheaton commented 2 years ago

Please update https://github.com/Riverscapes/RaveAddIn/blob/master/docs/open-project.md with instructions for RAVE Users for how to open and explore projects in all three flavors of RAVE

wally-mac commented 2 years ago

@Tanmanfalcon will you take this task on. Please keep me in the loop on your progress and @joewheaton can help answer your questions.

joewheaton commented 2 years ago

@Tanmanfalcon if you don't know how to record and embed videos, see: http://etal.joewheaton.org/faststone-capture.html and https://gist.github.com/joewheaton/002acd9ea725f6d4a1bac38ee9a0dd50