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Master Issue for Confinement Project #133

Open lauren-herbine opened 3 years ago

lauren-herbine commented 3 years ago


Project Type: Confinement Layers in their current form:

Business Logic for the layers: https://github.com/Riverscapes/RiverscapesXML/blob/8530418a7f0782ccd188ad931622cd9238454902/RaveBusinessLogic/Confinement.xml#L11-L29

Type(s) - Raster and Vector


This is a master issue for getting the Confinement Project type up and running with coherent symbology and project views on all three platforms. I will convert individual tasks to new issues as I see fit.

Currently, we have a confinement tool that calculates channel confinement along a stream network (NHD). It takes a valley bottom polygon and tells us where the stream network intersects it.

imageUltimately, it is these confining margins that we are interested in. Where are they? How long are they? Do they occur on both sides of the channel? As the tool stands, this information is displayed and calculated.

Moving forward, however, we want to...

a) more fully take advantage of the additional information being calculated and display it in a useful manner

b) shift from a focus on channel networks (i.e. single thread systems) toward using channel belts to calculate confinement

c) expose more intermediate steps (such as buffers), along with relevant information (such as resolution)

d) clean up the organization and labeling of RAVE layers.

Work that's already been done:

Confinement for QRAVE #105 Confinement for WebRave #107

For each layer




This issue will be updated with more tasks as they come up

lauren-herbine commented 3 years ago

Project used: Confinement for HUC 10090102

QRave symbology and business logic

Here is a video showing the symbology and business logic:

Alt text

Here are the layers: image

And this is what the basic project view looks like (Project view: Confinement Ratio by Stream Segment): image

ArcRave symbology and business logic

WebRave symbology and business logic

lauren-herbine commented 2 years ago

In order to properly symbolize "Constriction Proportion" in WebRave, I need a project that displays the full range of possible values. Right now, the only three projects we have for confinement have very very low constriction values across the entire HUC. This is related to Issue 13 in Data. @joewheaton how pressing is it to have confinement symbology and such dialed for WebRave? Looking through some other tickets, it looks like there's a decent amount still broken right now (is this because we have a Channel Area Project now?). It will be tough to finish up the last couple of layers (~3) until we have this run in more diverse HUCs. Thoughts? In #107 you can track progress, though the WebRAVE protocol has been updated since then, so some of those will need some tweaking.

joewheaton commented 2 years ago

My understanding from @philipbaileynar is that @KellyMWhitehead has started running the 20 HUC 8s for the Mississippi. Those should be looking good. However, I can't remember if they are going to run confinement right now. They could.

There is also a new confinement based on new channel area and VBET in the Klamath, which you can look at (it looked much better, but still may need some tweaking).

I'd say we need to shift towards taking a closer look at confinement, so use Klamath to help with symbology and then start looking at QC reports for the 20.

philipbaileynar commented 2 years ago

No confinement is not finished.