Riverscapes / RiverscapesXML

Serving location for Riverscapes XSD validation schemas
4 stars 1 forks source link

Produce screen shot of each qml layer to provide in commit or later pull request for reviewer (include legend). Also, provide warehouse link to riverscape project you did testing on (use same project(s) for testing ArcRAVE and WebRAVE) #212

Open Tanmanfalcon opened 3 years ago

Tanmanfalcon commented 3 years ago

The folder structure for RVD HUC 10090102. Below are screenshots of layers as I complete them. I will check off all layers that are successfully made.


Tanmanfalcon commented 3 years ago

Segmented Flowlines qflowlines

NHD Flow Area qflowarea

NHD Waterbody qwaterbody

Valley Bottom qvb

Existing Riparian qexistriparian

Existing Native Riparian qnativeriparian

Existing Vegetation qexistveg

Historic Riparian qhistoricriparian

Historic Native Riparian qhistoricnativeriparian

Historic Vegetated qhistoricveg

Riparian Zones qriparianzones

Vegetation Conversion qvegetationconversion

Tanmanfalcon commented 3 years ago

Existing Vegetation Conversion qexistvegconv

Existing Land Use Intensity qlanduse

Historic Vegetation Conversion qhistoricvegconversion

Native Riparian Zones qnativeriparianzones

Vegetated Zones qvegzones

Tanmanfalcon commented 3 years ago

Not that these matter a ton, but they were quick.

Thiessen Polygon qthiessenpoly

Thiessen Points qthiessenpoint

Thiessen Dissolved qthiessendissolved

Thiessen Raw qthiessenraw