Riverscapes / RiverscapesXML

Serving location for Riverscapes XSD validation schemas
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Not Sure How To Symbolize Segmented Hydrography Layers #331

Open Cashe93 opened 2 years ago

Cashe93 commented 2 years ago

@joewheaton, I'm working on RS_Context symbology and noticed that there is no symbology for the following layers, and I'm not sure how you want them symbolized. What attributes to use? Value cutoffs? Etc. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the project I'm currently working with: https://northarrowresearchlabs.github.io/webrave-staging/#/Anabranch/bc8ffd90-fd46-4688-afac-9a77290f8221

joewheaton commented 2 years ago

Can you experiment @Cashe93 why don't we try putting Node circles at endpoints of each segment. Send me a screenshot and once we agree, we can implement across platforms.

Cashe93 commented 2 years ago

@joewheaton, something like this?



joewheaton commented 2 years ago

I like that, maybe do them something other than blue so they are not confused as little ponds? Nice

Cashe93 commented 2 years ago



Cashe93 commented 2 years ago

@joewheaton this symbology is similar to pyBRAT Flow Direction. Since we don't have a way to apply this symbology using the geometry start and stop points in MapBox, this symbology is only applied to Q and Arc. Still need to explore how to get this working in WebRAVE.