Riverscapes / RiverscapesXML

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RS_Context - Geology needs symbology and labels! #561

Open joewheaton opened 1 year ago

joewheaton commented 1 year ago

Maybe symbolize based on MAJOR1 and add label based on ORIG_LABEL; look at documentation for color choices and fill, but make transparent so it can be seen over hillshade and AP #561

Add change to business logic too to make layer appear as multiple layers displayed based on attribute:

See also: https://youtu.be/Ze60sYAgu9s?t=1295 for WebRV and


jtgilbert commented 1 year ago

fyi @joewheaton @wally-mac @Riverscapes/riverscape-project-curators. This layer has consistent symbology we should use/copy. It's on page 15 of this doc: https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/1052/ds1052.pdf

wally-mac commented 1 year ago

@leallysmith I'm assigning this to you. Please delegate as needed. Thanks.

shelbysawyer commented 1 year ago

If the layer will be given consistent symbology, a legend may be helpful in addition to labels

leallysmith commented 1 year ago

image This is the symbology on page 15, it's for the GENERALIZE field which is GENERALIZED_LITH (is this usable in place of MAJOR1? it summarizes MAJOR1-3). Still tracking down symbologies for Unit name and Age.

jtgilbert commented 1 year ago

Yeah I think this looks great @leallysmith. As far as the other fields I don't know if SGMC uses any other symbology so you may have to peruse around and find examples from other geologic maps.

leallysmith commented 1 year ago

image This seemed to be a pretty consistent color scheme across different geologic age maps. Should I modify the BL to show both MIN_AGE and MAX_AGE or just one of them? Also, there's about 200 ages that would need to be symbolized. Is there a faster way to symbolize rather than manually assigning colors and typing in every potential age?

joewheaton commented 1 year ago

This seemed to be a pretty consistent color scheme across different geologic age maps. Should I modify the BL to show both MIN_AGE and MAX_AGE or just one of them?

Just one is fine. I don't care which.

Also, there's about 200 ages that would need to be symbolized. Is there a faster way to symbolize rather than manually assigning colors and typing in every potential age?

Maybe instead of age, just do epoch to keep it simpler. The color chart from GSA is good.

joewheaton commented 1 year ago

Also, make label a little smaller font. And perhaps add rule to not display water label if feasible.

Cashe93 commented 1 year ago

@jtgilbert @joewheaton Here is the updated 'GENERALIZE' geology layer.


Cashe93 commented 1 year ago

@jtgilbert, I'm having a hard time finding an exhaustive list of the UNIT_NAME attributes. Would you know where this is located?

jtgilbert commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure if SGMC manages one or not... the dataset is pulled together from all the States' geologic maps, so they might only exist individually at the state level.

Cashe93 commented 1 year ago

@jtgilbert below is the Max Age symbology which uses Epochs as suggested by @joewheaton. Given the tedious nature of this task, I'll wait until you guys approve of this before curating it in Mapbox.


joewheaton commented 1 year ago

This is looking good. Make sure to add the abbreviations used in labels to legend

Cashe93 commented 1 year ago

Will do @joewheaton. @jtgilbert do we have the entire national dataset for this layer? If not, could you point me in the direction of where I can find it?

Cashe93 commented 1 year ago

Disregard @jtgilbert I found it.

Cashe93 commented 1 year ago

@jtgilbert and @joewheaton, the UNIT_NAME attribute has over 5,500 unique classifications. I can try to use rule-based symbology to group some things together but wanted to confirm that this is worth the time that it will take.

jtgilbert commented 1 year ago

I don't think it is worth the time. The GENERALIZE field or whatever it is that is their default symbology covers basic rock types, and between that and age I think you have the most important info. If someone needs to drill in and see exact unit names, or primary and secondary rock types, etc. they can download and query the data.

Cashe93 commented 1 year ago

Sounds good!

Cashe93 commented 1 year ago

@jtgilbert, I'm having trouble figuring out a way to symbolize these in Mapbox (specifically the max ages). The AGE_MAX attribute field contains multiple names per row (each name representing eon, era, period, and epoch) In QGIS we used rule based symbology to isolate the epoch name which required the use of the LIKE operator. For example, in order to symbolize things for the Late-Jurassic epoch, we used the following expression "AGE_MAX" LIKE '%Late_Jurassic%' However, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do this in Mapbox. Do you know an expression that we could use in the .JSON that is equivalent to what we did in QGIS?

Cashe93 commented 11 months ago

@MattReimer, any luck with the rule-based symbology in MapBox?

MattReimer commented 11 months ago

I only got a bit of time to look into it but it seems like even simple pattern matching isn't possible (at least not yet).

For now our only option would be to:

  1. Symbolize every possible value
  2. bake the pattern we want into the actual layer.

Sorry if that's disappointing. I'm pretty surprised they still can't support this.