Riverscapes / pyBRAT

pyBRAT - Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool (Python)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error running BRAT Conservation and Restoration Model Step #312

Open dhopster opened 1 year ago

dhopster commented 1 year ago

I am having trouble with Step 6. BRAT Conservation and Restoration Model. I was able to successfully run it for one area (Finger Lakes National Forest in NY), but keep getting the same error when I run it for Green Mountain National Forest:

Start Time: Mon Apr 17 10:49:08 2023 Running script Conservation_Restoration_tool...

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 684, in execute File "D:\Documents\Projects\Enterprise\BRATmodel_NewEngland\pyBRAT-3.1.00\pyBRAT-3.1.00\Conservation_Restoration.py", line 80, in main for row in cursor: RuntimeError: A column was specified that does not exist.

Failed to execute (Conservation_Restoration_tool). Failed at Mon Apr 17 10:50:15 2023 (Elapsed Time: 1 minutes 6 seconds)

I'm wondering if it has something to do with the fact that when I ran the BRAT Project Builder and the BRAT Table originally, I did not include the valley bottom shapefile for GMNF and then I added the folders myself with the shapefile input after running FLNF. If I rerun the BRAT Table, should I overwrite (name it the same) or create a new BRAT Table? And then rerun all the subsequent steps as well, I assume?