Riverscapes / pyBRAT

pyBRAT - Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool (Python)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Identify Pilot Locations in CA & NV #58

Closed joewheaton closed 6 years ago

joewheaton commented 6 years ago

In the runup to the May 24-25 meeting Kristen worked with the NFWF grant team to come up with the following priorities:

From: Kristen Wilson Sent: Friday, March 09, 2018 1:06 PM To: 'Schroer, Greg L -FS' gschroer@fs.fed.us; Rodd Kelsey rkelsey@TNC.ORG; 'nphemphill@fs.fed.us' nphemphill@fs.fed.us; 'Ryan Burnett' rburnett@pointblue.org; 'Helen Loffland (hloffland@birdpop.org)' hloffland@birdpop.org; 'Kate Lundquist' kate@oaec.org Subject: NFWF Beaver model/WIFL/Stakeholder Grant

Hello NFWF beaver model/WIFL/Stakeholder grant team,

The beaver BRAT modeling is underway. I need two things from you all by Monday, March 19, end of the day.

Please list your top 20 priority watersheds. HUC 8 level, see attached map and use this link for entering in data. Make sure to list the reason the watershed is important for planned beaver work, validating the model, willow flycatcher research, or other reasons. Scroll down and you’ll see your name. I’ll combine these top lists and get it to the Utah State University team who is working on the model (Wally and Sara, copied on this message). This priority list will make sure that these watersheds are done by the end of April, early May. For reference, there are 78 total HUC8 level watersheds being modeled.

There are two tabs on the spreadsheet link, the second tab is for GIS data layers. If you have access to better spatial data on elevation, riparian vegetation, streams, or landcover than the base layers listed please let us know by entering in the data you have access to or can get access to. The higher resolution spatial data can be used in the model even if it only covers a smaller area. Don’t worry about human conflict layers, we’ll get to that soon.

Thank you for your help with these two requests. Please email or call if you have questions.


These are summarized in this Google sheet

In the run-up to the workshop Kristen wrote:

Thank you for your quick responses on the priority watershed list. Attached is the compiled group list of priority watersheds (see ‘Final score’ tab), also copied below. It’s also online at the same link as before.

To calculate the scores, I took everyone’s ranked scores from #1-20, with #1 as the highest ranking, and converted the values to a 1-0.05 range (i.e. #1=1, #2=0.95…#20=0.05). I then added up the scores for the five people and the highest score became #1. If you look at the excel spreadsheet you’ll see the calculations (‘Scoring’ tab). If you have questions please get in touch.

Also, if you have higher resolution spatial data on elevation, riparian vegetation, streams, or landcover than the base layers listed (‘GIS data layers’ tab) please let us know by entering in the data you have access to or can get access to. The higher resolution spatial data can be used in the model even if it only covers a smaller area. Don’t worry about human conflict layers, we’ll get to that soon.

| HUC8

-- | -- 1 | Truckee 2 | North Fork Feather 3 | East Branch North Fork Feather 4 | Lake Tahoe 5 | Upper Carson 6 | West Walker 7 | Middle Fork Feather 8 | East Walker 9 | Scott River 10 | Upper Yuba 11 | Big Chico Creek-Sacramento River 12 | Upper Kern 13 | South Fork American 14 | South Fork Kern 15 | Shasta River 16 | Trinity 17 | Honcut Headwaters/Lower Feather & Yuba 18 | South Fork Trinity 19 | North Fork American 20 | Upper Cosumnes 21 | Upper Merced 22 | Salmon 23 | Upper Tuolumne 24 | Upper Klamath 25 | Upper San Joaquin 26 | Mono Lake 27 | Upper Cache 28 | Middle Fork Eel 29 | Upper Tule 30 | Upper Eel 31 | Lower Klamath 32 | Upper Kings 33 | Battle Creek 34 | Crowley Lake 35 | Paynes Creek Sacramento River 36 | Upper Pit 37 | Thomes Creek Sacramento River 38 | Upper Deer-Upper White 39 | Lower Pit 40 | Butte Creek 41 | Surprise Valley 42 | McCloud 43 | Upper Bear 44 | Upper Stanislaus

joewheaton commented 6 years ago

Update... after Sagehen @wally-mac and @bangen we should start to get some example summary reports with BRAT outputs for these and maybe even some Adaptive Beaver Management Plans, Restoration Plans, Restoration Designs. I remember discussing:

@bangen did you write down all these?

joewheaton commented 6 years ago

Also.... Kate @OAEC and I discussed maybe even doing a pilot in and around Sonoma/Marin area as they have a bunch of monitoring data there and ongoing projects.... Kate?

joewheaton commented 6 years ago

See also #97

joewheaton commented 6 years ago

Note that in #97 we address both:

  • The site that Damion Ciotti (USFWS) had worked on down in Foothills (I want to say Doty Creek a tributary to Coon Creek that flows directly down to Sacramento River???)


Also.... Kate @OAEC and I discussed maybe even doing a pilot in and around Sonoma/Marin area as they have a bunch of monitoring data there and ongoing projects.... Kate?

joewheaton commented 6 years ago

We've gotten input from TNC partners and this is reflected in: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yrGR4DNWIrMuSd-4fiKc4lBiRx4K5UWy4cmHfkMAVQM/edit#gid=584384841