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Open-source Python 3.0 tools for the Riverscapes organization
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RME Reports with filtered features #965

Closed philipbaileynar closed 1 month ago

philipbaileynar commented 3 months ago


The current RME report includes all records in the database. It's common that users will want a subset of the data, such as filtered to just perennial streams (that flow year round), or that exist on certain land ownership (e.g. government) or both. This is easily achieved using SQL WHERE clause to filter the data.

To make this clean and simply we will try a new strategy whereby we produce multiple reports that are complete duplicates of each other, except that each uses a different WHERE clause to filter to a subset of records.


We will start with the following reports:

Report Title Report HTML File WHERE clause
All Records rme.html none
Perennial Streams rme_perennial.html FCode IN (46006, 55800)
Public Lands rme_public_lands.html rme_dgo_ownership = 'BLM'
Public Perennial rme_public_perennial.html (FCode IN (46006, 55800)) AND (rme_dgo_ownership = 'BLM')

The idea is that the method that generates a report can have an optional where_cluse parameter that takes one of the clauses listed above. Then in any code within the report that select or groups records it optionally appends this WHERE clause. For example.

SELECT blah, blah, blah
FROM blah blah blah
WHERE (FCode IN (46007, 33400)) AND (rme_dgo_ownership = 'BLM')

Implementation Details

Provide each report with a meaningful file name (see above). Note that you can reuse the file name (without the extension) to separate the PNG graphics for each report.

Within the project.rs.xml file you will need to duplicate the HTMLFile tag that references the report:

    <Name>RME Report</Name>
    <Name>RME Perennial Streams Report</Name>
    <Name>RME Public Lands Report</Name>
    <Name>RME Public Perennial Report</Name>

Backwards Compatibility

It's important that this feature doesn't break any other types of reports (BRAT, tauDEM etc). That said, the ability to feature features might be extremely useful for those other types of reports.

FYI @MattReimer @KellyMWhitehead @jtgilbert @joewheaton

jtgilbert commented 3 months ago

Two things. FCodes weren't right, so I updated them. Second, "public lands" should technically include USFS and Parks and USFWS etc. so we should either do that report also, or just stick with what's listed here, but call it explicitly BLM instead of public lands.

philipbaileynar commented 3 months ago

Thanks @jtgilbert

What's your preference, all public, BLM or both?

jtgilbert commented 3 months ago

I think, given that our biggest audience right now is BLM, we do that. But we should keep the report script general so that we could go back and change the parameters to run it for whatever ownership is requested.

philipbaileynar commented 3 months ago

@r-k-g can you

  1. confirm that the way you wrote the code is to take a literal string for the WHERE clause, such that we can tweak it and add other report permutations as needed....
  2. Please change the public lands report file name and title to to to rme_blm_lands.html per @jtgilbert request.
r-k-g commented 3 months ago

The requested changes have been made. I updated the code such that it needs to be changed in two places to add new report permutations (not convenient to only have one, due to needing to update the project XML). The filter is a string placed in the WHERE clause of an SQL query.

joewheaton commented 3 months ago

Thanks @jtgilbert

What's your preference, all public, BLM or both?

Both and by other public agencies individually.

philipbaileynar commented 2 months ago

Let's produce a "Perrenial" (FCode 46006, 55800) for the following ownership: