[x] Compute the location and value of the maximum Froude number for the subcritical setting given in Eq. 3.3.1 and the supercritical setting given in Eq. 3.3.2 at the initial time
[x] Implement both cases through the base class setup::Setup.h. is a reasonable time window for your simulation.
[x] Determine the position of the hydraulic jump (stationary discontinuity) in your supercritical solution and show that our f-wave solver fails to converge to the analytically expected constant momentum over the entire domain.
[x] Compute the location and value of the maximum Froude number for the subcritical setting given in Eq. 3.3.1 and the supercritical setting given in Eq. 3.3.2 at the initial time
[x] Implement both cases through the base class setup::Setup.h. is a reasonable time window for your simulation.
[x] Determine the position of the hydraulic jump (stationary discontinuity) in your supercritical solution and show that our f-wave solver fails to converge to the analytically expected constant momentum over the entire domain.