[x] Install netCDF on your system and provide a mechanism which shares netCDF’s files with your solver and allows you to link with netCDF.
You’ll have to consider the netCDF dependencies zlib and HDF5.
SCons provides the courtesy methods CheckLib and CheckLibWithHeader to aid your discovery of available libraries.
[x] Implement a class io::NetCdf which acts as your interface to netCDF files. Implement a function which allows you to write your current time step to a netCDF file. Make sure to follow the COARDS convention (see Conventions for the standardization of NetCDF files) up to the point that you can postprocess your data easily, e.g., through visualization in ParaView.
Values in ghost cells should not be written by default.
The keyword “since” in the attribute description, e.g., “seconds since the earthquake event”, triggers the time domain in ParaView.
NetCDF supports unlimited dimensions which is helpful to realize the time dimension.
[x] Finished the To-do's at the top of the read method
[x] Install netCDF on your system and provide a mechanism which shares netCDF’s files with your solver and allows you to link with netCDF.
You’ll have to consider the netCDF dependencies zlib and HDF5.
SCons provides the courtesy methods CheckLib and CheckLibWithHeader to aid your discovery of available libraries.
[x] Implement a class io::NetCdf which acts as your interface to netCDF files. Implement a function which allows you to write your current time step to a netCDF file. Make sure to follow the COARDS convention (see Conventions for the standardization of NetCDF files) up to the point that you can postprocess your data easily, e.g., through visualization in ParaView.
Values in ghost cells should not be written by default.
The keyword “since” in the attribute description, e.g., “seconds since the earthquake event”, triggers the time domain in ParaView.
NetCDF supports unlimited dimensions which is helpful to realize the time dimension.
[x] Finished the To-do's at the top of the read method
[x] Write tests for the read method
[x] Write the submission for this part