[x] Implement and test the artificial tsunami setup by hard-coding the functions in Eq. 5.2.1. (no file input) in a new class setups::ArtificialTsunami2d.
[x] Extend your class io:NetCdf of Ch. 5.1 with support for reading netCDF files as described above.
The tool ncgen can be used to generate small netCDF files for your unit tests.
You can use the command ncdump -h to display available variables and dimensions in a netCDF file
[x] Integrate the new class setups::TsunamiEvent2d into your code. Users should be able to set the total simulation time and resolution through runtime options, parsed from the command line or a configuration file.
[x] Check the correctness of your file input-based class setups::TsunamiEvent2d by comparing it to your artificial setup in setups::ArtificialTsunami2d. Use the linked input data of the artificial tsunami for bathymetry and displacements in your tests.
[x] Implement and test the artificial tsunami setup by hard-coding the functions in Eq. 5.2.1. (no file input) in a new class setups::ArtificialTsunami2d.
[x] Extend your class io:NetCdf of Ch. 5.1 with support for reading netCDF files as described above.
The tool ncgen can be used to generate small netCDF files for your unit tests.
You can use the command ncdump -h to display available variables and dimensions in a netCDF file
[x] Integrate the new class setups::TsunamiEvent2d into your code. Users should be able to set the total simulation time and resolution through runtime options, parsed from the command line or a configuration file.
[x] Check the correctness of your file input-based class setups::TsunamiEvent2d by comparing it to your artificial setup in setups::ArtificialTsunami2d. Use the linked input data of the artificial tsunami for bathymetry and displacements in your tests.
[x] Write tests for ArtificialTsunami2d
[X] Write tests for the read method
[x] Write tests for TsunamiEvent2d
[x] Write the submission for this part