[x] Compare the run time of your parallelized solver to the serial version on a single node of ARA! What speedup do you get for up to 72 threads when using a node of the hadoop partition? You can specify the number of OpenMP threads using the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. Is it useful to spawn more threads than cores?
[x] For the two-dimensional version of the solver, is it better to parallelize the outer or the inner loops?
[x] Try different scheduling and pinning strategies. What performs best? Study NUMA effects and use OpenMP’s first touch policy to perform NUMA-aware initializations.
[x] Parallelize your solver using OpenMP!
[x] Compare the run time of your parallelized solver to the serial version on a single node of ARA! What speedup do you get for up to 72 threads when using a node of the hadoop partition? You can specify the number of OpenMP threads using the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. Is it useful to spawn more threads than cores?
[x] For the two-dimensional version of the solver, is it better to parallelize the outer or the inner loops?
[x] Try different scheduling and pinning strategies. What performs best? Study NUMA effects and use OpenMP’s first touch policy to perform NUMA-aware initializations.