Rnen / AdminToolbox

A SMod2 Server Administration Toolbox Plugin for SCP: Secret Lab
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Single Door Open/Close Command [Suggestion] #6

Closed SpaceMau5e closed 6 years ago

SpaceMau5e commented 6 years ago

I suggest adding a command that allows the opening of 1 door at a time to make it easier for players trapped in rooms that require keycards to be freed without causing every door in the facility to open.

i.e. Open 914s containment door to free the trapped player so the game can continue and not be delayed until light containment decontamination. Or open the doors to SCP-079s containment so the SCPs can kill the player hiding and prolong the game.

Rnen commented 6 years ago

Currently in the works, will make a command to open the closest door to a player, since getting where a player is looking is very hard.

Rnen commented 6 years ago

No idea why i closed this issue, its not implemented yet lol So here's how its gonna work:

Mabye i'll add the option to open very spesific doors, this depends on SMod API

Rnen commented 6 years ago

Since i had the devs add this to the game, this feature request is now depricated