Ro5bert / avra

Assembler for the Atmel AVR microcontroller family
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Suport for ATmega8535 #51

Open OzPineapple opened 2 years ago

OzPineapple commented 2 years ago

.define There's the file for the ATmega8535 but there's no support fot it at listing devices:

$ avra --devices | grep ATmega85
ATmega8515   |       8192 |    0x0060 |      512 |         512 |          133

It's ironic. The only ATmega is the one not avliable.

$ avra file.asm
AVRA: advanced AVR macro assembler (version 1.4.2)
Pass 1...
/usr/include/avr/ : Error   : Unknown device: ATmega8535
Warning : No .DEVICE definition found. Cannot make useful address range check !
Warning : No .DEVICE definition found. Cannot make useful address range check !
Warning : No .DEVICE definition found. Cannot make useful address range check !

will be there support on the future for this?

Luk9091 commented 1 year ago

It isn't the best solution but temporary it's work. You could comment line 47:

46 ; ***** SPECIFY DEVICE ***************************************************
47 ; .device ATmega8535 ; this should be commented
48 #pragma AVRPART ADMIN PART_NAME ATmega8535