RoBorregos / home-vision

Computer Vision resources and packages for the Robocup@Home Competition
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Pose classification #5

Closed Ale-Coeto closed 4 months ago

Ale-Coeto commented 5 months ago

Develop a method to classify human poses. Identify standing, sitting, raising hand, among other positions.

Ale-Coeto commented 5 months ago

Possible methods:

1. Joint angles

Use pose landmarks to compute joint angles and search for matches with predifined poses. See reference

2. Feature vectors

Convert pose landmarks to make a feature vector considering distances between predifined lists of pose joints. Compute the distance between two vectors to find the target nearest to the pose sample. See reference See collab

3. Train model using 3d pose landmarks

Use pointnet to train a model using 3D pose landmarks See reference JP notebook Point net

Ale-Coeto commented 5 months ago

Joint angles and positions

Used the following function to obtain poses:

import mediapipe as mp
import numpy as np
import cv2
from math import acos, degrees
import os
from enum import Enum

Script to classify the pose of a person in an image:
Standing, Sitting, Raising right hand, Raising left hand, Pointing left, Pointing right


class Direction(Enum):
    RIGHT = "Pointing right"
    LEFT = "Pointing left"
    NOT_POINTING = "not_pointing"

def check_visibility(poseModel, image):
    pose = poseModel
    # Convert the image to RGB
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    # Process the image
    results = pose.process(image)
    # Check if the pose landmarks are detected
    if results.pose_landmarks is not None:
        # Get the x and y coordinates of the chest and face landmarks
        chest_x = results.pose_landmarks.landmark[11].x
        chest_y = results.pose_landmarks.landmark[11].y
        chest_visibility = results.pose_landmarks.landmark[11].visibility

        mp_drawing =
        annotated_image = image.copy()
        mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(annotated_image, results.pose_landmarks,
        # Convert the image back to BGR
        annotated_image = cv2.cvtColor(annotated_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
        # Display the annotated image
        # cv2.imshow("Annotated Image", annotated_image)

        if (chest_x < 0 or chest_x > 1 or chest_y < 0 or chest_y > 1) and chest_visibility < 0.95:
            # print("Chest not visible")
            return False
            # print("Chest visible")
            return True

def getAngle(point_close, point_mid, point_far):
    # Convert the points to numpy arrays
    p1 = np.array([point_close.x, point_close.y])
    p2 = np.array([point_mid.x, point_mid.y])
    p3 = np.array([point_far.x, point_far.y])

    # Euclidean distances
    l1 = np.linalg.norm(p2 - p3)    #lados de triangulo
    l2 = np.linalg.norm(p1 - p3)
    l3 = np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)

    # Cálculo de ángulo pierna izquierda
    return degrees(acos((l1**2 + l3**2 - l2**2) / (2 * l1 * l3)))

def classify_pose(poseModel, image, print_angles=False, general=False):
    poses = []
    # Convert the image to RGB
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

    # Process the image
    results = poseModel.process(image)

    # Get the landmarks
    landmarks = results.pose_landmarks

    # Get the height and width of the image
    h = image.shape[0]
    w = image.shape[1]

    if landmarks is not None:
        landmarks = landmarks.landmark
        # Left leg points
        hip_left = landmarks[23]
        knee_left = landmarks[25]
        ankle_left = landmarks[27]
        leg_angle_left = getAngle(hip_left, knee_left, ankle_left)

        # Right leg points
        hip_right = landmarks[24]
        knee_right = landmarks[26]  
        ankle_right = landmarks[28]
        leg_angle_right = getAngle(hip_right, knee_right, ankle_right)

        # Left arm points
        shoulder_left = landmarks[11]
        elbow_left = landmarks[13]
        wrist_left = landmarks[15]
        index_left = landmarks[19]
        arm_angle_left = getAngle(shoulder_left, elbow_left, wrist_left)

        # Right arm points
        shoulder_right = landmarks[12]
        elbow_right = landmarks[14]
        wrist_right = landmarks[16]
        index_right = landmarks[20]
        arm_angle_right = getAngle(shoulder_right, elbow_right, wrist_right)

        m = 0.1

        right_out = index_right.x*w < shoulder_right.x*w - m*w 
        left_out = index_left.x*w > shoulder_left.x*w + m*w

        if right_out and left_out :
            data = Direction.NOT_POINTING
        elif right_out:
            data = Direction.RIGHT
        elif left_out:
            data = Direction.LEFT
            data = Direction.NOT_POINTING

        # Determine if standing or sitting
        if (leg_angle_left and leg_angle_right) > 120:


        if general:
            if shoulder_right.y - wrist_right.y > RAISING_HAND_THRESHOLD or shoulder_left.y - wrist_left.y > RAISING_HAND_THRESHOLD:
                poses.append("Raising hand/s")

            if data != Direction.NOT_POINTING:

            # Determine if pointing to a direction or raising hand 
            if data != Direction.NOT_POINTING:

            if shoulder_right.y - wrist_right.y > RAISING_HAND_THRESHOLD:
                poses.append("Raising right hand")

            if shoulder_left.y - wrist_left.y > RAISING_HAND_THRESHOLD:
                poses.append("Raising left hand")

        # Print angles
        if print_angles:
            print("Left leg angle: ", leg_angle_left)
            print("Right leg angle: ", leg_angle_right)
            print("Left arm angle: ", arm_angle_left)
            print("Right arm angle: ", arm_angle_right)

        # Draw results
        mp_drawing =
        annotated_image = image.copy()
        mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(annotated_image, results.pose_landmarks,
        annotated_image = cv2.cvtColor(annotated_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

        arr = np.array(poses)
        txt = np.array2string(arr)
        cv2.putText(annotated_image, txt, (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
        cv2.putText(annotated_image, data.value, (10, 66), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 0, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

        # Show image
        # cv2.imshow("annotated_image.jpg", annotated_image)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)

    return poses

# Main
pose_model = 

folder = "./images"
for filename in (os.listdir(folder)):

    path = os.path.join(folder, filename)
    img = cv2.imread(path)
    poses = classify_pose(pose_model, img)
    print(filename, " : " , poses)
Ale-Coeto commented 4 months ago

Using mediapipe to detect current poses according to joint angles and positions. Implemented shirt color script from previous year.