RoadReport / RoadReport_AndroidClient

「看路!」的 Android 專案,架構很亂btw
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使用 AuthListener 監聽使用者狀態 #9

Closed MrNegativeTW closed 3 years ago

MrNegativeTW commented 3 years ago

使用 AuthListener 監聽使用者狀態

MrNegativeTW commented 3 years ago

Hold, according to this answer on Stack Overflow

It says

Disabling or deleting a user account does not fire an auth state change. Nor should it, the user is still authenticated. In at most an hour, Firebase Authentication will try to refresh the access token for the user. That refresh will fail, at which point the user will become unauthenticated and the auth state change event will fire.

My Steps

  1. Log in from the app.
  2. Disable account from the firebase console.
  3. Give it a moment, the app side does not take effects immediately
  4. Launch the app again, still logged in
  5. Open EventEditor then back to account page, bang! logged out!