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子题#4: 外行菜鸟对新加坡本地金融管理部门央行数字货币政策CBDC的学习参考笔记 - Lewis, 5 pages #4

Open guttasingapore opened 7 months ago

guttasingapore commented 7 months ago

我对新加坡本地金融管理部门央行数字货币政策CBDC的学习参考笔记 1 目录 2 简介 - 新加坡与金融服务-小红点的国际格局与影响力 3 历史回顾 新加坡本地金融管理部门央行数字货币政策CBDC的策略 4 新加坡对CBDC的关键需求-国际地缘政治与金融动荡中的一个气眼 5 新加坡本地金融管理部门的策略与推动-SGCBDC的国际与区域生态 Orchid Blueprint - MAS Financial Services Industry Transformation Map 2025 6 新加坡本地生态积极推动的底层技术与研究-区块链与关联科技 7 新加坡CBDC的现在与将来展望-积极拥抱,谨慎乐观,对全球,亚太与区域的意义 8 判断与小结: (TBD)

  1. Lewis的序言,索引与备录
Lewisrxliu commented 7 months ago

新加坡金管局遭遇有史以来的最大亏损2023-08-09 谢娜 导读 · 2023.08.09 本文梳理了新加坡金融管理局最近发布的财报出现亏损的构成及原因。为应对经济大环境,MAS针对外汇市场和货币市场的一系列公开操作使其遭受极大损失,然而,作者认为MAS的关注点并不是负面的货币换算影响和利息支出,而是其投资业绩和外汇储备是否恢复。文章分析称,相比账面亏损,MAS更看重净资产的投资盈利能力和多余外汇储备转换为多元化储备资产的潜力。作者认为,未来新加坡政府对外资、新公司账户等审查将更为审慎,这同时反映了新加坡政府已经开始从其他方面对资本的流入进行更为严格的管控。   新加坡是世界金融中心之一。新加坡金融管理局( MAS),一个同时拥有央行和金融管理双重职能的机构,在其近期所发布的2022/2023年度(2022年4月1日至2023年3月31日)财报中,披露其运营在此年度的亏损达到了新币308亿,是其有史以来最大的亏损。MAS这308亿的亏损额超过其在2023年3月之前的注册资本金250亿,它也在2023年3月将其注册资本金由250亿新元增加至500亿新元。  

新加坡金融管理局(MAS)大楼外 (图源:海峡时报)   新加坡金管局巨额亏损的原因   从其财务报表可以看出,巨额亏损主要由两个部分组成:   第一部分是在进行外汇市场干预操作时产生的帐面亏损,共约214亿新元。   第二部分是由于外汇市场干预和增高的利率成本,MAS为清理银行体系过剩流动性而进行货币市场业务,由此产生的净利息支出造成的亏损,这一项共约90亿新元。   总体来说,新加坡国际收支的正流入(经常帐户和资本帐户,如图1和图2),以及历史上大部分时间里财政公共运营方面的盈余使新币长期面临较大的升值压力。为了使不断升值的新币其保持在政策区间内,MAS必须要购买外汇、卖出新元,这最终造成外汇储备的增长。  


图2:新加坡国际收支平衡资本和金融帐户情况 (来源:新加坡统计局)   新加坡的外汇储备历年来呈温和的持续增长趋势,但是如图3所示,从2020年起,该增长速度加快。截止2021年第三季度,新加坡外汇储备的存量已增长至5658亿新元,约占新加坡2021年第三季度GDP的111%。2022年,MAS通过外汇干预净购买了730亿美元,是2021年购买的290亿美元的2.5倍之多。然而与此同时,在2022/2023财年,MAS直接向新加坡政府投资公司(GIC)转移了1910亿新元的外汇,以进行长期的全球性组合投资。因此,如图三所示,在此期间,新加坡的外汇储备因其转移而有所减少。但是,如图所示,新加坡的外汇储备在2023年一季度又呈现快速增长的趋势,于2023年5月末达到了4410亿新元,超过了新加坡GDP的三分之二。新加坡的外储占GDP比例是全球最高的。  

图3:新加坡外汇储备增长情况 (来源:新加坡统计局)   但是,MAS管理下的外汇储备在其财务报表里必须按市场汇率转化为新元。因为新币相对于外币升值,MAS持有的大量的外汇储备在进行汇率转换计算时,出现了大额的帐上亏损,这就带来了我们所看到的214亿新元的外汇公开市场操作亏损。   当前形势下的外汇市场操作,不仅带来了高额的外汇储备及随之而来的操作亏损,也带来了新元流动性的增加。如前文所说的,MAS需要买入外汇并出售新币,以此压低新元汇率,使其保持在政策区间内。大量的新币进入市场,新元的流动性激增,通货膨胀自然就由此产生。因此,MAS又需要进行货币市场操作,以削减掉多余的流动性,如发行票据或向银行借款等。2022/23财年,计算货币市场工具的平均存量为4370亿新元,比21/22财年增加24%。但是,这样的操作下,MAS需支付相应的利息。而当前的利率居高不下,在超高的业务量和高利率的双重压力下,MAS进行货币市场业务而产生的净利息支出所造成的亏损约为90亿新元。   新加坡金管局的关注点   诚然,为了应对经济大环境而做的外汇市场和货币市场的公开操作使MAS遭受到了极大的损失,但它的关注点并不是负面的货币换算影响和利息支出,而是其投资业绩和外汇储备是否恢复。主要原因如下:   首先,如果站在历史的维度上分析MAS的运营模式,我们不难看出:一方面,在过去15个财年中的10个财年中,MAS都记录了货币兑换所带来的账面损失。考虑到新元兑其他货币普遍走强,这一现象也是合理的;另一方面,近15年来,MAS在自己的投资组合中所取得的平均年收益为117亿新元,即使在22/23这样艰难的财年,MAS依然取得了6亿新元的投资收益。   其次,从新加坡政府财政的角度来看MAS主要通过三种方式做出贡献。第一种方式是,MAS在抵消之前财年的累计亏损后,会按照净利润的17%向政府的综合基金缴款。因为MAS每年的净利润差异很大,所以每年向综合基金的缴款会在三年内按同等比例缴纳,这样便可缓和政府收入的波动。对于22/23财年的亏损,不会产生任何缴款,但由20/21财年的净利润计算,MAS依然需要在22/23年度向政府缴纳4亿新元。但是考虑到近两个财年累计382亿新元的亏损,MAS在未来几年内不太会需要向综合基金缴款。   前文提到,MAS在2023年三月将其注册资本增加了250亿新元,最终达到500亿新元。MAS上次增资是在11/12财年,从170亿新元增至250亿新元。作为新加坡政府的全资子公司,MAS会根据其资本和储备金,不时返还部分净利润。自上次增资以来的11个财年中,MAS向政府返还了总计580亿新元的资金,是本次增资额的两倍之多。   第二种方式,也是最为重要的方式,是与GIC和淡马锡控股一样,MAS投资净资产的长期实际回报的50%可用于政府支出。在此框架下,MAS净资产的预期长期实际回报率不受任何单一年度投资业绩的影响,且此回报率每年审查一次,并须经总统同意。此框架下的这三间机构:MAS,GIC和淡马锡控股,在2023年度,预计将向政府提供总共234.8亿新元的财政支持,相较于政府运营收入(税收)的967亿新元,这将是一笔很大的收入(数据来源:新加坡财政预算2023)。   第三种方式是向GIC直接输出多余外汇储备以进行长期的多元化投资。2022年1月11日,新加坡议会通过了《新加坡金融管理局法案(修正案)》,使MAS能够认购政府发行的储备管理政府证券(Reserves Management Government Securities, RMGS)。作为交换,MAS将向政府转移其实施货币政策和确保金融稳定所需的官方外汇储备以外的外汇。该法案引入单独的RMGS净发行限额,即5800亿新元。在22/23财年,MAS已通过这一途径向GIC转移了等值于约1910亿新元的外汇。   所以,相比外汇兑换成新元时源于汇率的的账面损失,新加坡政府其实更看重MAS净资产的投资盈利能力和多余外汇储备转换为多元化储备资产的潜力,因为这对于新加坡政府的日常运营和长期财富积累更有意义。    启发和未来趋势   如今,新加坡一方面对外卖新元、买外汇的汇率干预以抑制因大量资本流入所带来的新元升值,以确保本国实体经济的健康运行;另一方面对内实行紧缩的货币政策,提高利率,降低流动性,以抑制输入性通胀和国内成本压力。总体看来,这个政策对新加坡利大于弊,但是未来的政策是否会保持不变,这是不确定的。未来的政策将取决于经济大环境下,什么政策对新加坡有利。   对于新加坡这样一个经济体量较小但拥有充足外汇储备的国家,其为提升新币汇率而进行的买新币、卖外汇等外汇操作相对较易,但卖新币,买外汇等为降低新币汇率而进行的操作会难很多,也更容易产生如前文所述的大量由汇率转化带来的亏损和吸纳过多新币流动性所产生的过高利息成本。如果这些成本高过了所得利益,就需要其他的政策进行干预。正如我们现在所看到的,新加坡政府对于外来资本的审查更为严苛,也将外国人买新加坡房产的额外印花税从30%升至60%,银行对于新公司帐户的申请审查也更为审慎,这些都说明了新加坡政府已经开始从其他方面对于资本的流入进行更为严格的管控。  

图4:新加坡国际直接投资和组合投资情况 (来源:新加坡统计局)   因此,虽然说新加坡是闻名世界的金融中心,拥有资本自由流动的声誉,而且其外资的稳定性也较高(如图4所示,外国资本在新加坡以直接投资为主,而本地企业和个人在新加坡以外的投资是以组合投资为主),但是在必要的情境下,如果全球经济大环境没有得到改变,过多的资本流入也会使新加坡在这方面的管控上更为审慎。这样的管控会达到什么程度,最后将决定于各方面的利弊权衡。   作者谢娜   FCCA,新加坡注册会计师(CA),前新加坡公共政策研究院执行总裁,现在为新加坡会计师事务所执行董事。

Lewisrxliu commented 7 months ago

区块链技术参考: 新加坡本地社团民间区块链组织机构和研究活动 1)Singapore’s blockchain landscape

2)Singapore Blockchain Innovation Programme

3)Singapore Computer Society

4)The Algorand Foundation, The xGov program

4.1)Blockchain and Crypto Association of Singapore (BCAS)

4.2)Blockchain Association Singapore

4.3)Singapore Web3 Blockchain Community Location: 32B Pagoda Street, Level 2

5)Largest Blockchain groups Singapore, list top10 here global meetup Blockchain have 2,234,541 members, 3,995 Meetups, 849 cities, 121 countries 5.1)Ethereum Singapore, 9,414 Etherians | Singapore, Singapore Organized by Kc Chng 5.2) All Who Like Cryptocurrency and Blockchain, 3,282 Likers | Singapore, Singapore Organized by Vincent 5.3) Startup Prodigy Singapore, 1,618 Members | Singapore, Singapore Organized by NR, Exploring the Future of AI Open Space - Online Workshop Startup Open Space Online Workshop 5.4)UpCode Academy, 1,495 Members | Singapore, Singapore Organized by Hassan M. Cheung 5.5)Hyperledger Singapore, 1,265 Members | Singapore, Singapore Organized by Hyperledger Foundation 5.6)Singapore Blockchain Startups Club, 1,248 Crypto Millionaires | Singapore, Singapore Organized by S K 5.7)Blockchain Educators | SG, 1,167 Members | Singapore, Singapore Organized by Blockchain Educators - Asia 5.8)BlockChain & Dapps Technology, 1,152 Members | Singapore, Singapore Organized by Chia Wei Hu 5.9)Metacamp - Web3 Blockchain Community, 1,116 Members | Singapore, Singapore Organized by Justin Lee 5.10)Blockchain for Businesses,, 946 Members | Singapore, Singapore Organized by Branson Lee

6)100 top Blockchain companies and startups in Singapore in 2024 Powered by AI and the F6S community, updated Feb 8, 2024

Lewisrxliu commented 7 months ago
  1. 1 Lewis的序言,索引与备录 一切都从FFS FintechFestival现场CH开始的 - 补篇日记:2023Nov17新加坡金融科技大会现场一瞥及随想 现场热闹非凡,大牌银行信用卡金融机构理财甚至保险投行支付平台,多样化,国际性,济济一堂,满眼都是支付支付跨境支付,咖啡各家卖弄风骚,美女帅哥颜值满满,除了爆米花和咖啡,还有专区付费摊位,居然没有任何一家展台提供免费美食三明治美酒巧克力蛋糕啤酒烧烤冰淇淋之类,可见与其他产业相比非常不同,吃喝好像已经无法满足这批人的多巴胺阈值。从123步入到456号展厅后,格局骤变,科创外包五花八门的新模式闻所未闻的创新企业,如同跳蚤市场,各自抖擞精神。令我震惊的是本地金融管理部门的央行数字货币政策,已经深入到如此庞大且细微的程度,以及当我询问如何在新格局中寻找属于小微科技创投的机会,年轻官员Darren给我的回答居然是JPMorgen. 另外在人才舞台的本地生态中,几乎是所有科研院所本地教育机构一网打尽。除了几个小节点吸引我注意力之外,极尽唏嘘的是,区块链,钱包,虚拟货币,行业颠覆者挑战者的整体缺席,让人感到不同角度不同利益不同赛道之间的巨大鸿沟,未来已来,绝不是风平浪静,充满了巨大的波动与不确定,机遇与挑战同在,缝隙与风暴共存。晚上区块链小圈居然让我印象深刻。一瓶啤酒,几个新友,为一位年轻人当了一个小时的mentor,殊感荣幸。 感谢小平和hengsir的指导,特别是观察到金融行业面对百年未有之大变局。XP老师的问题,如果你是传统银行,现在应该怎么做,我的回答供大家讨论批评:拥抱新科技,重组资产,减负减重,参与制定新标准 重新定义风险管理体系 构建新杠杆 建立公开透明监管的信任机制。XP老师当天的点评: 大道理没错,现在的问题是缺乏路径 隔天借CH谈到认识年轻人了解新世界,我深感羞愧地纠正自己的一个错觉, 延续FFS现场体验,根据恒Sir指导寻找钱包未果的后记, 事实上,因为我的无知,险些错过了本地一场跨境钱包LiquidGroup在两个央行指导下的静悄悄表演, 我第一次听说LiquidPay, 也许是本地第一次paynow跨境,原来巨大的变革已经在眼皮底下发生了很多年,它们横空出世,起点可以与普通人无关,最终不可逆,终点与所有人大相关。 再隔天继续深感羞愧地纠正自己的一大误区,原来新加坡已经存在超过16种电子钱包, 其中Nets,EZ-Link几十年本地化如同空气无处不在, paynow/paylah过去5年几乎是千家万户的必备,鄙人使用多年而不自知,羞愧啊羞愧。原来一切已经在过程中,未来永远在变化中 再次:我的惭愧居然超越了国界,20多年一挥间,曾经的TNG继续领导自驾刚需,竞争不息垄断不止,近两年在阿里系的支撑下继续发展,脑补在马的各种支付钱包已经进化成什么样的格局了,未来每个商家每个人都必须有无数个钱包吗? 惭愧,我的小小尝试,发现到今天为止最后一步还是由卡司来帮助我完成的,背后构建其实是阿里,传统银行跨界跨境跨平台好难哦


  1. 2 Lewis的索引与备录 MAS CBDC talent blockchain 缩写索引 VPA - Virtual Payment Address (VPA), UPI - Unified Payments Interface (UPI) NFI - Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NFIs) MPM - merchant-presented-mode (MPM) CPM - customer-presented-mode (CPM) Operated by Liquid Group, XNAP is Asia’s fastest growing digital cross-border QR payment network. The network provides a smart and secure market infrastructure, supporting cross-border C2B Payments of national schemes, e-wallets and card-based digital wallets.
Lewisrxliu commented 7 months ago

3.历史回顾 新加坡本地金融管理部门(MAS)央行数字货币政策CBDC的策略

MAS is the central bank of Singapore. Its mission is to promote sustained non-inflationary economic growth, and a sound and progressive financial center.

HISTORY Zone A: Our Currency Journey The designs of a country's currency reflect its history, culture and aspirations. Discover how currency in Singapore has evolved throughout the nation's development, from the 1800s till today. Our Currency Journey Singapore's currency journey began in 1819 when Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles established Singapore as a free port. Track the journey, from the variety of currencies used for trade in the 19th century, the introduction of the Straits Settlements Dollars, to the creation of a common currency. Founding Years Singapore's currency evolved from a variety of currencies used during our founding years, to a simple joint currency system, culminating in one national Singapore Currency. Post-Independence Currencies The story of Singapore's growth and success is represented through iconic motifs printed on the front of our nation's currency notes - the Orchid, the Bird, the Ship and the Portrait series. The Straits Settlements Dollars The Straits Settlements dollars were issued from 1899 as a measure to provide economic stability to British possessions in Malaya, and to phase out the less stable commercial banknotes. The Last Queen's Portraits In the 1950s, the British territories in Malaya and Borneo decided these territories would issue a common currency - the Malaya and British Borneo note. Special Commemorative Currencies Learn more about some of the commemorative notes and coins issued by MAS to mark some of Singapore's significant national events and a

INDEX Zone A: Our Currency Journey The designs of a country's currency reflect its history, culture and aspirations. Discover how currency in Singapore has evolved throughout the nation's development, from the 1800s till today.

Zone B: Sustainable Non-Inflationary Economic Growth The Singapore economy is built on sound monetary fundamentals. Discover how MAS lays a strong foundation for sustainable, non-inflationary economic growth.

Zone C: A Robust and Sound Financial System Find out how MAS plays the roles of an integrated supervisor and a central bank to uphold confidence in Singapore's financial system.

Zone D: A Leading International Financial Centre Singapore is one of the world’s leading top financial centres and a gateway to Asia’s fast-growing economies and markets. Discover what developing an international financial centre entails.

Zone E: The Future of Finance Finance, Technology and FinTech play an influential role in shaping Singapore's future financial landscape. Step into the Singapore innovation landscape and be inspired by what the future holds.

Zone F: Be a Change Maker Everyone has a part to play in our economy. Explore how you can be a change maker and partner MAS to advance Singapore's financial industry.

The Blockchain Breakthrough Blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) are at the centre of a massive push for innovation across the financial services sector. MAS has been collaborating with financial institutions, FinTech companies and the blockchain community in a multi-phase initiative, Project Ubin, to explore the use of DLT for the clearing and settlement of payments and securities.

Through this journey of experimentation, prototyping and learning, Project Ubin has created concrete use-cases and achieved breakthroughs across industries. Paving the way towards greater adoption and live deployment of blockchain technology, Project Ubin presents a significant opportunity to establish leadership in blockchain research and development, in line with Singapore's goal of becoming a Smart Financial Centre.

The Future of Finance Finance, Technology and FinTech play an influential role in shaping Singapore’s future financial landscape. From blockchain, e-payments to the use of artificial intelligence and data analytics, technology-driven innovations drive a larger purpose – to improve the lives of individuals, build a more dynamic economy, and promote a more inclusive society.
Visit this zone to find out how technology has transformed Singapore’s financial system, and how every citizen and enterprise can be digitally enabled and financially included, with the efficient use of FinTech. DIGITAL MONEY -> DIGITAL ASSETS->DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE

Securing Digital Financial Services Securing Digital Strong cyber resilience is essential to maintaining trust and confidence in the financial sector. Financial institutions have large digital footprints as they rely heavily on technology and offer financial services through internet and mobile channels. Financial institutions and their customers are attractive targets for cyber criminals who are often motivated by monetary gains. It is important for financial institutions to implement robust cyber security to protect their IT systems and for their customers to practise good personal cyber hygiene.

Securing Digital In this section, have fun with our interactive game where you can build your cyber fortress and defend against cyber attacks. Through the game, find out about MAS' four-pronged cyber security strategy to build cyber resilience in the financial sector. Learn how to keep your personal devices and information safe from cyber threats.

Lewisrxliu commented 7 months ago

5 新加坡本地金融管理部门的策略与推动-SGCBDC的国际与区域生态 Orchid Blueprint - MAS Financial Services Industry Transformation Map 2025

参考资料 - 报告待学习

09 November 2021 A Retail Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): Economic Considerations in the Singapore Context 新加坡金融管理局发布2021央行数字货币对经济财政与货币政策未来影响力的初始评估报告(55页) 21 June 2023 MAS Proposes Standards for Digital Money 新加坡金融管理局发布2023央行数字货币白皮书 新加坡金融管理局关于央行数字货币的其他报告 08 May 2023 新加坡金融管理局关于数字货币支付管制条例的评估报告 Consultation Paper on Proposed Amendments to Payment Services Regulations 2019, Notices issued under the Payment Services Act 2019 or MAS Act, and Proposed New Regulations on Exemptions for a Specified Period

24 March 2022 新加坡金融管理局关于央行数字货币跨平台跨境支付的研究项目Project Dunbar Project Dunbar proved that financial institutions could use CBDCs issued by participating central banks to transact directly with each other on a shared platform. This has the potential to reduce reliance on intermediaries and, correspondingly, the costs and time taken to process cross-border transactions.

07 January 2022 新加坡金融管理局关于全球央行数字货币2021年度的风险挑战评估报告 Global CBDC Challenge 2021 Report The Global CBDC Challenge organised by MAS, in partnership with IMF, World Bank, ADB, UNCDF, UNHCR, UNDP and OECD, seeks innovative retail CBDC solutions to enhance payment efficiencies and promote financial inclusion.

03 November 2021 新加坡金融管理局与淡马锡合作关于区块链基础的多元币种支付系统的研究项目Project Ubin Phase 5: Enabling Broad Ecosystem Collaboration MAS and Temasek jointly released a report to mark the successful conclusion of the fifth and final phase of Project Ubin.

新加坡金融管理局与英格兰银行加拿大央行合作关于跨境支付系统的研究项目Project Ubin Phase 4: Cross-Border Payment versus Payment (PvP) The Bank of Canada (BoC), Bank of England (BoE) and the MAS jointly published a report, which assesses alternative models that could enhance cross-border payments and settlements.

新加坡金融管理局与新加坡证券交易所合作关于区块链基础的支付系统的研究项目Project Ubin Phase 3: Delivery versus Payment (DvP) MAS and Singapore Exchange (SGX) announced that it is collaborating to develop Delivery versus Payment (DvP) capabilities for settlement of tokenised assets across different blockchain platform.

新加坡金融管理局与新加坡银行协会合作关于去中心化银行支付系统的研究项目Project Ubin Phase 2: Reimagining RTGS MAS and The Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) jointly announced that the consortium which they are leading had successfully developed software prototype of three different models for decentralised inter-bank payment and settlements with liquidity savings mechanisms.

新加坡金融管理局与新加坡金融协会探讨新加坡币数字化的研究项目Project Ubin Phase 1: Tokenised SGD MAS partnering with R3, a DLT company, and a consortium of financial institutions on a proof-of-concept project to conduct inter-bank payments using Blockchain technology. The consortium includes the following financial institutions: Bank of America Merrill Lynch Credit...

15 November 2023 Interlinking Networks This whitepaper was jointly developed in collaboration with the Financial Industry, FinTechs and Industry Groups. It proposes a common model for linking digital asset networks implemented on diverse ledger technologies and describes common archetypes for the issuance, distribution and transfer of digital assets and...

31 October 2023 Interoperable QR Payments in Singapore Whitepaper This report presents proposals from a comprehensive feasibility study on the potential for the introduction of SGQR+ as Singapore’s future interoperable payments infrastructure. The study was conducted by the EY organisation, and Singapore’s key payment network operator, Banking Computer Services (BCS), with the support of MAS. The study’s key areas of focus were to determine the readiness of merchants and payment providers to adopt interoperable QR payments, and the benefits of enabling seamless and secure cross-platform QR payment transactions.

12 October 2023 Strengthening Liquidity Risk Management Practices for Fund Management Companies This information paper sets out MAS’ supervisory expectations of effective liquidity risk management (LRM) frameworks and practices and includes key findings from our thematic liquidity inspections and review of prospectuses, which focused on collective investment schemes (CIS) offered to retail investors.