Roaders / ts-command-line-args

A typescript wrapper for command-line-args that allow you to generate config from existing TS interfaces
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Can't find write-markdown #33

Closed oracle58 closed 1 year ago

oracle58 commented 1 year ago

Hey there, I know this is a very simple issue and I'm probably just missing something, but I get:

bash: write-markdown: command not found, when e.g. using:

$ write-markdown -m -j lib/types/constants/app.constants.js

Ofc I am aware of what that error means -- my issue rather being, that I do not find any resource where to download the write-markdown tool. I am on a windows btw, maybe it is preinstalled on unix systems, I have no idea.

Thanks for your help and best wishes!

Roaders commented 1 year ago

you need to install it... You can either install it in your project or you can install it globally: npm install -g ts-command-line-args