RoadieHQ / roadie-backstage-plugins

All Backstage plugins created by Roadie.
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[code insights] GitHub workflow status badges returns 404 when displayed in Readme #1207

Open wanisfahmyDE opened 11 months ago

wanisfahmyDE commented 11 months ago

When using the code insights plugin, especially the readme component, the GitHub workflow status badges are always returned 404. The GitHub repo is an internal repo under a GitHub Organization.

The entire readme content gets rendered successfully except for the badges.

worthy to note that the backend csp img-src configs includes allowing content from in the app-config.yaml

Expected Behavior

The GitHub badges should be rendered correctly

Current Behavior

The readme card has some broken images and 404 is returned in the browser console

Steps to Reproduce

onboard a github repo to backstage that is of type internal. the readme of this repo should have workflow status badges. readme card badges doesn't get rendered.

Possible Solution


Your Environment

currently using: "@roadiehq/backstage-plugin-github-insights": "^2.3.21",

  @backstage/app-defaults                                          1.4.5
  @backstage/backend-app-api                                       0.5.8
  @backstage/backend-common                                        0.19.9
  @backstage/backend-dev-utils                                     0.1.2
  @backstage/backend-openapi-utils                                 0.1.0
  @backstage/backend-plugin-api                                    0.6.7
  @backstage/backend-tasks                                         0.5.12
  @backstage/catalog-client                                        1.4.6
  @backstage/catalog-model                                         1.4.3
  @backstage/cli-common                                            0.1.13
  @backstage/cli-node                                              0.2.0
  @backstage/cli                                                   0.24.0
  @backstage/config-loader                                         1.5.3
  @backstage/config                                                1.1.1
  @backstage/core-app-api                                          1.11.1
  @backstage/core-components                                       0.12.5, 0.13.8
  @backstage/core-plugin-api                                       1.8.0
  @backstage/dev-utils                                             1.0.24
  @backstage/e2e-test-utils                                        0.1.0
  @backstage/errors                                                1.2.3
  @backstage/eslint-plugin                                         0.1.3
  @backstage/frontend-plugin-api                                   0.3.0
  @backstage/integration-aws-node                                  0.1.8
  @backstage/integration-react                                     1.1.21
  @backstage/integration                                           1.7.2
  @backstage/plugin-adr-backend                                    0.4.4
  @backstage/plugin-adr-common                                     0.2.17
  @backstage/plugin-api-docs                                       0.10.1
  @backstage/plugin-app-backend                                    0.3.55
  @backstage/plugin-app-node                                       0.1.7
  @backstage/plugin-auth-backend-module-gcp-iap-provider           0.2.1
  @backstage/plugin-auth-backend-module-github-provider            0.1.4
  @backstage/plugin-auth-backend-module-gitlab-provider            0.1.4
  @backstage/plugin-auth-backend-module-google-provider            0.1.4
  @backstage/plugin-auth-backend-module-oauth2-provider            0.1.4
  @backstage/plugin-auth-backend                                   0.20.0
  @backstage/plugin-auth-node                                      0.2.19, 0.4.1
  @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-github                  0.4.5
  @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-scaffolder-entity-model 0.1.4
  @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend                                1.15.0
  @backstage/plugin-catalog-common                                 1.0.18
  @backstage/plugin-catalog-graph                                  0.3.1
  @backstage/plugin-catalog-import                                 0.10.3
  @backstage/plugin-catalog-node                                   1.5.0
  @backstage/plugin-catalog-react                                  1.9.1
  @backstage/plugin-catalog                                        1.15.1
  @backstage/plugin-devtools-backend                               0.2.4
  @backstage/plugin-devtools-common                                0.1.6
  @backstage/plugin-devtools                                       0.1.6
  @backstage/plugin-events-backend-module-github                   0.1.17
  @backstage/plugin-events-backend                                 0.2.16
  @backstage/plugin-events-node                                    0.2.16
  @backstage/plugin-explore-backend                                0.0.17
  @backstage/plugin-explore-common                                 0.0.2
  @backstage/plugin-explore-react                                  0.0.33
  @backstage/plugin-explore                                        0.4.13
  @backstage/plugin-github-actions                                 0.6.8
  @backstage/plugin-github-pull-requests-board                     0.1.21
  @backstage/plugin-home-react                                     0.1.5
  @backstage/plugin-home                                           0.5.11
  @backstage/plugin-org                                            0.6.17
  @backstage/plugin-permission-backend                             0.5.30
  @backstage/plugin-permission-common                              0.7.10
  @backstage/plugin-permission-node                                0.7.18
  @backstage/plugin-permission-react                               0.4.17
  @backstage/plugin-proxy-backend                                  0.4.5
  @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend                             1.19.1
  @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-common                              1.4.3
  @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-node                                0.2.8
  @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-react                               1.6.1
  @backstage/plugin-scaffolder                                     1.16.1
  @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-catalog                  0.1.11
  @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-explore                  0.1.11
  @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-pg                       0.5.16
  @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-techdocs                 0.1.11
  @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node                            1.2.11
  @backstage/plugin-search-backend                                 1.4.7
  @backstage/plugin-search-common                                  1.2.8
  @backstage/plugin-search-react                                   1.7.3
  @backstage/plugin-search                                         1.4.3
  @backstage/plugin-shortcuts                                      0.3.16
  @backstage/plugin-sonarqube-backend                              0.2.9
  @backstage/plugin-sonarqube-react                                0.1.10
  @backstage/plugin-sonarqube                                      0.7.9
  @backstage/plugin-tech-radar                                     0.6.10
  @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend                               1.9.0
  @backstage/plugin-techdocs-module-addons-contrib                 1.1.2
  @backstage/plugin-techdocs-node                                  1.10.0
  @backstage/plugin-techdocs-react                                 1.1.13
  @backstage/plugin-techdocs                                       1.9.1
  @backstage/plugin-user-settings                                  0.7.13
  @backstage/release-manifests                                     0.0.11
  @backstage/test-utils                                            1.4.5
  @backstage/theme                                                 0.2.19, 0.4.4
  @backstage/types                                                 1.1.1
  @backstage/version-bridge                                        1.0.7
github-actions[bot] commented 9 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

mhaley37 commented 9 months ago

We have noticed this has started happening as well using version 2.3.22. I haven't tried older versions to try to determine if this worked differently at some point, but plan on doing so

mhaley37 commented 9 months ago

To provide some more context of what it looks like is happening here:

First the badge is attempted to be retrieved via API ( far as I can tell, this API endpoint is invalid), and an Authorization header is sent (Figure 1), but it fails because the endpoint is bad (Figure 2)

Then the badge retrieval is attempted again not using the gh API, but rather just retrieving the image directly, and that fails (because there is no token / auth cookie maybe? (Figure 3). The repo in question in our is non-public.


wanisfahmyDE commented 9 months ago

thanks for the detailed explanation @mhaley37! yea that's exactly what we're also facing.

It would be nice if someone from the maintainers have a look

github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

andrewthauer commented 7 months ago

This still occurs and quite annoying since it happens in almost every component we have. Would love for this to be handled or suppressed somehow.

wanisfahmyDE commented 7 months ago

tagging some maintainers @Irma12 @kissmikijr for visibility

andrewthauer commented 7 months ago

I should clarify the 404 popup error is the annoying part imo. I personally have less concerns with the badges, etc not rendering properly.

jagexjake commented 5 months ago

This is affecting us aswell, and is pretty annoying. Will look at contirbuting a PR for this

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

wanisfahmyDE commented 3 months ago

Not stale

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

wanisfahmyDE commented 1 month ago

Not stale

wanisfahmyDE commented 1 month ago

hey @kissmikijr, any plans on fixing this?