Roam-Research / issues

Roam Research - A note-taking tool for networked thought.
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Copying and Pasting Text Omits Some Text #577

Open haro415 opened 3 years ago

haro415 commented 3 years ago

I'm trialing Roam and was transferring project notes from Google Docs into Roam. There appears to be a problem with getting some text to paste.

I first noticed the issue when copying and pasting a large block of text with multiple bullets -- only the first two bullets pasted in, and everything that had been after a multiple line break in the Google Doc did not show up in Roam. I replicated this multiple times -- when eliminating the line breaks in the Google Doc, the full text pasted fine.

I then copied and pasted 1 multi-page block of text into a new page from a different Google Doc -- the bullets and line breaks pasted in fine, but a large chunk of text from the middle of the document was missing. In Google Docs, this text was formatted as a numbered list with indents. Text from before and after this numbered list pasted just fine (which almost made me miss the bug as I skimmed the top and bottom of the doc to make sure I'd captured the entire block of text - the top and bottom are fine it's the middle of the text that's missing!). It's a bummer as if I can't be sure that info I'm pasting into Roam actually gets there, and if random bits go missing, it will be hard for me to make the switch. Thanks for taking a look!

Bardia95 commented 3 years ago

Hey can you provide a screen recording with a reproduction of this issue, I was not able to reproduce trying the same thing you described