RoamJS / autotag

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Automatically processing Roam JS Page Synonyms does not work #2

Open rcvd opened 2 years ago

rcvd commented 2 years ago

Awesome plugin, thanks a lot! Everything is working great except the Alias Trigger for Page Synonyms. I've manually added the synonyms plugin from the roam js site as it isn't available at the Depot yet and checked that it works with right-click or Alt+A, but it won't be triggered on leaving the block.

Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong or what to check?

panterarocks49 commented 2 years ago

I am not sure, so I will be disabling it until David Vargas can look into the issue with page synonyms. Most likely will be disabled until he gets page synonyms into Roam Depot

blakejwc commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue with Page Synonyms not being aliased automatically on leaving the block.

While poking around, I found that Page Synonyms were added to the autotag plugin:

I only have the Auto Tag plugin installed through Roam Depot, and it does give me the ability to use the "Alias Page Synonyms" context menu command.

However, I'm also struggling to include this in my workflow, given the "Process Alias" setting doesn't seem to do anything. Using the autotag-exclude functionality, I can write fairly smoothly without reorganizing many tagged items. But, when I press Alt+A, I find myself doing a bunch of clean-up. Because the autotag-exclude functionality is helping me minimize excessive tagging, I have to be much more intentional about my page synonyms and perform more manual actions to keep blocks clean.

So, the best I can do is write in "autotag" mode until I want to generate some synonym links, press Alt+I to switch "autotag" off, press Alt+A to alias the page synonyms, move to the next block, and press Alt+I again to re-enable "autotag" mode.

My expectation is that the "Process Alias" setting would allow me to perform the following flow instead. Write out some notes which include page names and synonym names, exit the block without pressing additional hotkeys, any "autotag-exclude" page names and their respective synonyms are ignored, all remaining page names are bracketted/aliased based on the "Case Insensitive" setting, and all remaining synonym names are aliased.

Is the "Process Alias" functionality broken in this way?