Roave / BackwardCompatibilityCheck

:ab: Tool to compare two revisions of a class API to check for BC breaks
MIT License
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Creation of PHAR using Nix, in a reproducible environment #754

Closed drupol closed 6 months ago

drupol commented 7 months ago

Hey there,

I saw the message from @sebastianbergmann on Mastodon ( and I thought... How about using Nix to do it?

This PR shows how it could be done using 2 different approaches:

  1. By using the existing and nixifying it, providing box without needing to install it with Composer and build the PHAR in a non isolated environment.
  2. By using a flake.nix file
    • Run nix build .#build-phar-script to build the script to build the PHAR (result in result/ directory)
    • Run nix build .#phar to build the PHAR in isolation (result in result/ directory)
    • Run nix run github:drupol/BackwardCompatibilityCheck/creation-of-phar-using-nix to immediately run the app from your workstation without installing it, in total isolation.
    • Run nix develop to create a development shell containing PHP, Composer and Box and the build-phar-script

Both methods work well, and are totally reproducible. My favourite approach is to use the second one which is more flexible and versatile, but anyway one or the other, the environment building the PHAR is the same... (pun intended!). Note, the PHAR is not reproducible, box doesn't produce reproducible PHAR files by default, unfortunately (read how to make it reproducible here)

I'm pretty sure this PR won't be merged, but I just wanted to see if this was doable, I hope this is going to give ideas to some PHP community members :)

It took me 25 minutes to do, mostly copy-pasting things here and there.

Ocramius commented 6 months ago

Aw, still need to fix PHP 8.1 :D

Should be trivial, though: I'm on it.

Ocramius commented 6 months ago

The CI failure is due to an ancient build of the require-checker .phar.

Unsure why we wget it, but not a problem for this patch to solve.

Ocramius commented 6 months ago

Well, this is merged, but no phar got tagged :D

I suspect the release being triggered by a bot prevents this task from being triggered:

Ocramius commented 6 months ago

The publishing payload, meanwhile, taken from :

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drupol commented 6 months ago

Let me have a look at the workflow at the end of the day

Ocramius commented 6 months ago

Identified that I need ORGANIZATION_ADMIN_TOKEN here, roughly:

Ocramius commented 6 months ago

Now it did run, but failed :D

/home/runner/work/_temp/ line 1: nix run .#build-phar-script: command not found

That's... curious