Roave / BackwardCompatibilityCheck

:ab: Tool to compare two revisions of a class API to check for BC breaks
MIT License
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Support for git submodules #765

Open kristos80 opened 2 months ago

kristos80 commented 2 months ago

Hi there and thanks for this wonderful project.

It seems that submodules are not supported.

I have a directory structure as such

|_ modules
   |_ plugin
      |_ ... actual git files
|_ plugin
   |_ .git
   |_ vendor
   |_ ... module files
... root repo files

Where the /plugin/.git file contains the standard module entry: gitdir: ../.git/modules/plugin

If I try to run the vendor/bin/roave-backward-compatibility-check command from within the plugin directory, I get the error: Directory "/plugin" is not a GIT repository, because as far as I can understand /plugin/.git in my case needs to be a directory and not a file.

I can see that a possible patch would be to have a statement as such $sourceRepo = CheckedOutRepository::fromModuleFileOrPath(Env\current_dir()) in AssertBackwardsCompatible::execute where the CheckedOutRepository code could include something as such:

public static function fromModuleFileOrPath(string $path): self {
  if($fromModuleFile = self::fromModuleFile($path)) {
    return $fromModuleFile;

  return self::fromPath($path);

public static function fromModuleFile(string $path): ?self {
  if(Psl\Filesystem\is_file("$path/.git")) {
    $content = Psl\File\read("$path/.git");
    // Check that content contains a map to an actual git repo and get it
    // 1. It starts with the gitdir: wording (?)
    // 2. Grab and normalize the content after the gitdir: and assign it to an $actualPath variable
    // 3. Is it relative? If yes concatenate the two paths "$path/$actualPath" otherwise replace $path with $actualPath
    // 4. Does the map folder exists and contains a .git folder?
    // 5. Return new self($path);

  return NULL;

I could try to create a PR but I am not sure that the proposed approach fits in your current design

Ocramius commented 2 months ago

Are you able to perhaps make a gist with what you have as a project? Could it be that / is just interpreted as an absolute path start?

kristos80 commented 2 months ago


Here's a root project with a submodule:

The submodule: in my local setup contains a .git file with that content:

gitdir: ../.git/modules/test-submodule

If I now run vendor/bin/roave-backward-compatibility-check from within the folder containing the submodule, I get the error: Directory "/test-root-project/test-submodule" is not a GIT repository.

Ocramius commented 2 months ago

Ah, I see what's happening :-)

Indeed, vendor/bin/roave-backward-compatibility-check does not download git submodules, nor run any commands around them: it's just a much more complicated problem space.

This bit here is cloning your project to a temporary location, then performing a clean composer install there to analyze it:

That does not include any kind of git submodule handling.

kristos80 commented 2 months ago

I am sorry if I don't get it correctly, but I think we are talking about something else :-)

Indeed, vendor/bin/roave-backward-compatibility-check does not download git submodules, nor run any commands around them: it's just a much more complicated problem space.

There's no need to download any submodule, as I am not running the command from the root project but rather from within the submodule:

and not

as it never reaches that code

If I add this very crappy code (protect your eyes people) and run vendor/bin/roave-backward-compatibility-check it gets executed correctly:

File /vendor/roave/backward-compatibility-check/src/Command/AssertBackwardsCompatible.php

// Instead of $sourceRepo = CheckedOutRepository::fr(Env\current_dir());
$sourceRepo = CheckedOutRepository::fromModuleFileOrPath(Env\current_dir());

File: /vendor/roave/backward-compatibility-check/src/Git/CheckedOutRepository.php

    public static function fromModuleFileOrPath(string $path): self {
        if($fromModuleFile = self::fromModuleFile($path)) {
            return $fromModuleFile;

        return self::fromPath($path);

    private static function fromModuleFile(string $path): ?self {
        if(Psl\Filesystem\is_file("$path/.git")) {
            $content = Psl\File\read("$path/.git");
            if(str_contains($content, "gitdir:")) {
                $modulePath = trim(str_replace("gitdir:", "", $content));
                $path = "$path/$modulePath";
                return new self($path);

        return NULL;

I hope I made myself clear!

Ocramius commented 2 months ago

@kristos80 ah, I see, but that's only the first problem then, no?

The problems are two, if I understand correctly:

  1. this project seems to assume $CWD/.git and $CWD/composer.json exist
  2. this project will not recursively clone submodules during analysis

Instead of building support for this into this particular project, I'd probably rather document the extension points to make this work, as this is really scratching the edges of what's needed.

kristos80 commented 2 months ago

@Ocramius Yes I am talking about the first problem exclusively. To be honest I cannot see how the second case could be solved, since modules are not part of the composer dependencies and can only be understood at the git level and it would require a vast amount of work as you say.

Now getting back to the first problem. Yes, the problem lies in the case where the .git folder is not at the same level with the composer.json and instead there's a .git file which maps to the actual git folder.

From all the info I could gather around regarding git modules here are some (probable) facts about them:

*When a project contains submodules it's called 'superproject' in git terms:

From the all the above if I were to add support for submodules, I would propose something like the previous code I sent:

Nevertheless my case might be a very edgy one as I need to do testing (simultaneously) on two different levels at once:

So it is very convenient to have a container to test everything at once, instead of having to test everything independently especially when all modules are in development phase as well.

I would be happy to propose a PR, but I am not sure if I can compete your level :-)

Ocramius commented 2 months ago

@kristos80 before going in depth in implementation, it is valuable to represent this in a test case.


We'd probably create a dummy project in there, with no dependencies, but so that we can point our suit at it and verify that BC breaks are caught 🤔

kristos80 commented 2 months ago

@Ocramius sounds like a plan. I'll try my best to contribute in any way I can, as well

Ocramius commented 2 months ago

@kristos80 just to clear some expectations here: I'm unlikely able to implement the change myself in the next weeks.

What you can do to help out is starting with the e2e test case in a PR.

Worth perhaps replicating with an example of nested composer.json at first?

I think we can probably expand the installation source to recurse parent directories until .git is found :thinking:

kristos80 commented 2 months ago

@Ocramius yes I can definitely do that in the next couple of days and if I need anything, I will ping you

kristos80 commented 2 months ago

@Ocramius tests in my mac have errors and failures.:

  1. Error (with 3 failures all of the same nature):
1) RoaveE2ETest\BackwardCompatibility\Command\AssertBackwardsCompatibleTest::testWillRunSuccessfullyOnNoBcBreaks
[BC] CHANGED: Value of constant TestArtifact\TheClass::UNCHANGED_CONSTANT changed from '/private/var/folders/s7/gkw_9kg564zcw9f7531j6xrr0000gn/T/api-compare-fc94ec8ccb35bf3e6656c092336f55de5260bec36634d07366a07/src' to '/private/var/folders/s7/gkw_9kg564zcw9f7531j6xrr0000gn/T/api-compare-e18dbfbf3a4e3d008adb7fec8ad5cc949bfc45326634d0737cebd/src'
    1 backwards-incompatible changes detected

I guess the __DIR__ constant is calculated differently (due to the nature of tmp folder in OSX?) even if the revision code remains the same. If I change this to something less dynamic, like PHP_EOL or PHP_SAPI, it gets resolved.

  1. Failure:
1) RoaveTest\BackwardCompatibility\Git\GitCheckoutRevisionToTemporaryPathTest::testCheckoutDirectoryIsCorrect
Failed asserting that '/var/folders/s7/gkw_9kg564zcw9f7531j6xrr0000gn/T/api-compare-428327492a803b6e0c612b157a67a50a472754616634d27cb5b44' contains "/tmp/api-compare-".

This is due to the fact that OSX uses the $TMPDIR which resolves to something like /var/folders/xl/84p38nhj405frmrkdpqb3v9c0000gn/T/. If I remove the "/tmp" for the string getting compared, it gets resolved as well.

Should I include those in the PR as well?

Ocramius commented 2 months ago

@kristos80 yes please, a PR with the new file structure for the tests is already awesome 👍

Ocramius commented 2 months ago

Failed asserting that '/var/folders/s7/gkw_9kg564zcw9f7531j6xrr0000gn/T/api-compare-428327492a803b6e0c612b157a67a50a472754616634d27cb5b44' contains "/tmp/api-compare-".

This could be hardened via realpath() around sys_get_tmp_dir() in the test, but running in docker is sufficient to me, since I don't maintain OSX tests, and don't want to anyway (the workers are too slow/too few)