Roave / DocbookTool

:books: Docbook Tool for static documentation generation from Markdown files
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Mention bearer token for Confluence auth tokens #366

Closed herndlm closed 4 months ago

herndlm commented 4 months ago

We have a self-hosted Confluence and apparently my personal access token worked only when specified as bearer token. Should this be mentioned somehow as an example maybe? I spent a while fiddling around with basic auth and only realised that bearer tokens work by luck basically :)

Ocramius commented 4 months ago

We have a self-hosted Confluence and apparently my personal access token worked only when specified as auth token.

We're working with a self-hosted Confluence that does NOT YET support PATs :D

If you want to add docs for it somewhere (after testing it out locally), please do indeed provide a patch: I'll gladly merge one :)

asgrim commented 4 months ago

We're working with a self-hosted Confluence that does NOT YET support PATs :D

Not true any more, we use a PAT nowadays, thankfully!

The DOCBOOK_TOOL_CONFLUENCE_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable allows you to specify Bearer or Basic along with the token, this is already supported and documented on the readme, although any improvements to make that clearer are of course welcomed!

herndlm commented 4 months ago

Thx both of you, I skimmed through the readme and this wasn't fully clear to me and confused me for a second. Will open a docs PR later 👍