Roave / DocbookTool

:books: Docbook Tool for static documentation generation from Markdown files
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Add abstraction for reading local files #368

Closed herndlm closed 4 months ago

herndlm commented 4 months ago

Closes #365

Before I continue any further with adding tests and such - not sure if this goes in the right direction or is too complicated. Also not sure if using cURL makes sense even, I guess I could just grab the path from the URI and keep using file_get_contents().


I guess I like that it locks down the images to local file requests only, but not sure about the pseudo-HTTP client abstraction I came up with and if this makes sense to use somewhere else too maybe.

herndlm commented 4 months ago

Should be ready to review. Fyi, I put the new interface and implementation directly under src for now since I couldn't come up with a good namespace for it.

herndlm commented 4 months ago

👍 I thought you would squash the commits, I wasn't really caring much about the commit messages xD

Ocramius commented 4 months ago

Meh, it's fine - it's understandable code, and has good tests.

Commit messages are better than 90% of what I experience out there, so your not "caring much" is still better than how others do work while being paid.

Ocramius commented 4 months ago

Released meanwhile :)

herndlm commented 4 months ago

this is a great tool btw @asgrim @Ocramius! I just integrated it into a pipeline and did my first Confluence page sync. I started procrastinating when I was told to update Confluence page x with information y and decided to implement usage of this tool instead :)

feel free to let me know if more help is needed somewhere

Ocramius commented 4 months ago

feel free to let me know if more help is needed somewhere

If you find stuff that doesn't work on your Confluence, we hate Confluence enough to help with getting you as far from it as possible :P

Send ideas/patches when they come up :muscle: