Rob--W / browser-action-jplib

Jetpack module to add a Browser action badge to the toolbar, using the chrome.browserAction syntax from Chromium
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Remove deprecated API #14

Open devunion opened 10 years ago

devunion commented 10 years ago

Hi, could you update the library to avoid of using deprecated API?

There is stack from FF 31:

"DEPRECATED: The widget module is deprecated. Please consider using the sdk/ui module instead. Traceback (most recent call last): File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/addon/runner.js", line 113, in startup/< run(options); File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/addon/runner.js", line 161, in run quit: exit ........................................................ File "resource://jid1-bedgas3lmlydea-at-jetpack/browser-action/lib/browserAction.js", line 318, in Badge let tbw = createBadge(browserAction, badgeState); File "resource://jid1-bedgas3lmlydea-at-jetpack/browser-action/lib/browserAction.js", line 222, in createBadge onClick: function() { File "resource://jid1-bedgas3lmlydea-at-jetpack/toolbarwidget/lib/toolbarwidget.js", line 343, in exports.ToolbarWidget let sdkWidget = require('sdk/widget').Widget(options);

That will be really helpful. Thank you!

duzun commented 10 years ago


Rob--W commented 10 years ago

This is on my to-do list, but it has a low priority. Pull requests are welcome.

Rob--W commented 9 years ago

When I published this module, Firefox's support for Chrome-style buttons was bad. Now the situation has significantly been improved, so I recommend to use the built-in sdk/ui modules instead.

Firefox has started an initiative to bring the features of the Chrome extension API to Firefox, see