Rob--W / cors-anywhere

CORS Anywhere is a NodeJS reverse proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request.
MIT License
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Adding a security section in the documentation? #152

Open AoDev opened 5 years ago

AoDev commented 5 years ago


While I have a general understanding of web security, when I checked the documentation I saw that it would pretty easy to set this up. But the security question popped up in my mind immediately.

So I wondered how far is this secure, what options are "dangerous" and what potential risks are associated with using a solution like "cors-anywhere".

I guess the typical use case is to proxy ajax requests to a Web API that may or may not contain sensible information.

I'd like to add such section, like do/don't do or maybe just a link to a relevant article?

What do you think?

Rob--W commented 5 years ago

The typical use case is to access a public resource that is not available due to the lack of CORS headers. As the operator of the server, the main risks are:

AoDev commented 5 years ago

@Rob--W Thanks for your answer, I already learnt something :)

Rob--W commented 5 years ago

Regarding the xfwd header, it seems pretty useful and would be nice to just enable it in the options. Could we add this as a feature? My use cases needs it. I know how I'd do it with koa or express but with cors-anywhere, how would it be?

If you are considering Koa or Express, then you probably intend to use CORS Anywhere as a library. In that case, you can simply set xfwd: true as an option. The server.js at the root of this repo is just an example, used on Heroku. This project can be used as a library to create a server, as documented in README, and exemplified in server.js and test/test.js and test/test.js.

Anything I could do to help with #78 ?

If you have an actual need for the functionality, please describe your use case I didn't add a commit yet, because it was unclear to me how others would like to configure the feature (e.g. via environment variables); I have stashed an implementation since forever (most of the relevant code is pasted inline in #78), but absent concrete use cases I haven't added the patch to the master branch yet.

Regarding "leaking". I've seen a few people writing tutorials using the Heroku example without changes. Heroku logs all requests from its router. Is it possible to leak any data because of this?

I think that you misunderstood my comment. The security issue is not "leaking" client URLs to the server, because by definition the client trusts the proxy server to handle requests on behalf of the client. Heroku does indeed offer a live log of requests (and if needed, I analyze these logs to counter abuse, e.g. as done in #45 and #129).

The leak that I mentioned in my previous comment is when there is a server in your network (potentially a service at localhost on your computer) that is not supposed to be reachable by others outside your network. Usually, a firewall protects the resource from external access, and the Same-origin policy of web browsers prevent other web pages that you are visiting from reading data from such services. However, if you start a CORS proxy in your network, then these protections can be bypassed. The following two cases are most likely:

For these reasons, it's important to put the proxy on a network where it cannot access sensitive resources.

AJamesPhillips commented 2 years ago

I'm sure you've already seen it. This issue was mentioned in this penetration test report specific to AWS EC2 meta-data exploit: