Rob--W / cors-anywhere

CORS Anywhere is a NodeJS reverse proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request.
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Endless redirect on HTTPS site #27

Open ptgolden opened 9 years ago

ptgolden commented 9 years ago

First of all, thank you for making your proxy public. It's been a great help in a browser-based application I'm working on that needs to consume linked data. I'm going to talk to my colleagues to see if we can do anything to help with #25.

I noticed a problem today where requesting a certain resource would result an an endless redirect to the same Location as the original request. Here's a test on This endless redirect does not occur when requesting from the non-HTTPS proxy.

Rob--W commented 9 years ago

This issue is caused by an incorrectly configured server ( When is accessed over https, it redirects to http. This is bad security practice, but it is quite common. What's worse is that when it receives a X-Forwarded-Proto: https request header, it also redirects to http. This means that the site tries really hard to prevent it from being used over https (directly and proxied).

curl -I
curl -H 'X-Forwarded-Proto: https' -I


HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: nginx/1.1.19
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2015 22:14:53 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: X-Mapping-....redacted...; path=/
Content-Length: 185

There are several solutions:

  1. Contact the administrator of and ask them to fix their server configuration.
  2. Access CORS Anywhere over http (not https). (caveat: Since CORS anywhere does not strip most headers, if any site uses CORS Anywhere with https AND the proxied site replies with a Strict-Transport-Security header, then browsers will automatically request https instead of http, and this suggestion wouldn't work).
  3. Self-host CORS Anywhere, disable the xfwd option (see server.js) and add X-Forwarded-Proto to the removeHeaders list.
  4. Modify CORS Anywhere to detect such redirect loops and automatically strip the xfwd headers.

2 is the easiest / practical option for you at the moment (but take note of the caveat), but 3 is recommended if you want to maintain a server.

ptgolden commented 9 years ago

Great, thank you. I ended up hosting my own server.

I had to hack around a bit to get the server to work in a subdirectory. Would support for that be something you would be interested in adding? If so, I can make a pull request.

Rob--W commented 9 years ago

What do you mean by "getting the server to work in a subdirectory?"

ptgolden commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I meant setting it up to serve from a URL that included a pathname, e.g.

The base proxy URL is always set to only include the host name (, so redirects would always go back to the hostname without the trailing path.

ptgolden commented 9 years ago

To be clear, it was only a problem when a requested resource would redirect.

Rob--W commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I meant setting it up to serve from a URL that included a pathname, e.g.

The base proxy URL is always set to only include the host name (, so redirects would always go back to the hostname without the trailing path.

I'd accept such a pull request. Currently, the first character ("/") is stripped before the rest of the program continues, but you can also add a new config option, and change to something that takes a regex, function or something else in config to modify req.url before passing it to parseURL.

To be clear, it was only a problem when a requested resource would redirect.

The issue that you've reported is more specific: the requested resource behaved incorrectly, and always returned a redirect under certain circumstances (

ptgolden commented 9 years ago

The issue that you've reported is more specific: the requested resource behaved incorrectly, and always returned a redirect under certain circumstances (#27 (comment)).

Yes, you're right. I was referring to the issue of ignoring the pathname of the proxy server, which only happened on redirects.

I'd accept such a pull request. Currently, the first character ("/") is stripped before the rest of the program continues, but you can also add a new config option, and change to something that takes a regex, function or something else in config to modify req.url before passing it to parseURL.

Great, I'll submit something later today.