Rob--W / dont-track-me-google

Firefox and Chrome extensions to prevent Google from making links ugly.
MIT License
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Prevent recording of searches? #24

Closed Post169 closed 6 years ago

Post169 commented 6 years ago

DTMG does a great job of reversing the transformation by Google of original URLs into URLs that take me on a detour that enables tracking!

However, I understand that Google also records what I search for, and I don't see anything about blocking that on the description of this extension.

Could you add that, or notify me if you know of an extension that already does it?


Rob--W commented 6 years ago

However, I understand that Google also records what I search for, and I don't see anything about blocking that on the description of this extension.

There is no way to guarantee that searches are not recorded (because Google can already connect the search query with your profile the moment the search query is sent to Google's servers). The only way to not be tracked at all by Google is to not use Google.

Any extension that promises otherwise only gives a false sense of privacy. That's why I don't promise that the extension completely stops tracking. Though if easy ways are available to reduce the amount of tracking, I will add it. For example, in version 4.12 I block several instances of tracking (see #20).

PS. the primary purpose of this script/extension is to improve the usability of Google, by ensuring that links are not ugly. Blocking tracking is a desired side-effect/feature, but not the main feature because nobody can guarantee that you won't be tracked as long as you willingly send search queries to Google.