Rob--W / open-in-browser

A browser extension that offers the ability to open files directly in the browser instead of downloading them.
83 stars 15 forks source link,id,12899 #35

Closed def00111 closed 6 years ago

def00111 commented 6 years ago

attachment; filename="ROZPORZ¥DZENIE PREZESA RADY MINISTRÓW z dnia 9 kwietnia 2009 r. w sprawie okreœlenia wzorów formularzy oœwiadczeñ ma.rtf"

Your getFilenameFromContentDispositionHeader will not decode the filename correctly.

"iso-8859-1" works for me: "ROZPORZ¥DZENIE PREZESA RADY MINISTRÓW z dnia 9 kwietnia 2009 r. w sprawie okreœlenia wzorów formularzy oœwiadczeñ ma.rtf"

Rob--W commented 6 years ago

The original URL is no longer available, but I managed to recreate a test case based on your report. Thanks for the report and patch!