Rob174 / detection_nappe_hydrocarbures_IMT_cefrem

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Parameters to keep track for trainings #13

Closed Rob174 closed 3 years ago

Rob174 commented 3 years ago


Objects used:

Stat on number of pixels classified

Rob174 commented 3 years ago

As a first step a quick iterative search to understand the which parameters are key to achieve best performances. We will make a training, keep it only if it produces interesting results and test another set of parameters.

Rob174 commented 3 years ago

As a second step, we will vizualize results with an RGB image where the probability of each class is mapped to one channel (only possible for the first dataset with 3 classes)

Rob174 commented 3 years ago

We will use early stopping to cut training time We will make multiple runs with the same set of parameters and observe the mean accuracy/loss

Rob174 commented 3 years ago

The results will be presented in a jupyter notebook

When the project became stable, a high level api would be better to ease the work of future students