Closed Rob174 closed 3 years ago
Goal: avoid to load all source image into memory when we only want part of a rotated image
More simple solution:
Question: does opencv compute all pixels position ?
We will test if thusing this method speedup the code. For that we will compare two method. We will build an image with a rotated black rectangle of a known shift of (10000,10000) (before a rotation of -45°). We want our algorithm to be able to get only this patch. To achieve that goal we will compare the execution time of two approaches Approach 1:
Approach 2:
Note: getRotationMatrix2D of opencv2 compose 3 transformation matrices: it translate the center provided to 0,0, rotation and shift the image back
So to create our custom rotation matrix we will add another translation that will put the patch at the upper left corner of the image and we will take on output window of the size of the patch
Note: the destination window is computed taking xwindowsize... pixels and ywindowsize... from the upper left corner of the original full size window
Order in which we will compute image transformations:
Pb: if we pick a random angle and resize factor how to create coherent patches without duplicates ?
Manage augmentation parameters at the dataset level
Need to save augmentation to compute for an input image
Need to be saved at least at the Augmenter level as multiple classes manage augmentations computation
We will include in the new Augmenter1 and RotationResizeMirrors the final resize (to a 256x256 image) and the mirrors: it will allow us to compute a big transformation matrix (that can be used to retrieve original coordinates with the inverse transformation)
⚠️ ⚠️ opencv make a transformation matrix inversing traditionnal order: It is done such that to compute the transformation we do[cols,rows,1])
After a profiling we can notice that the read step takes the most time (9938/4 ms = 2484.5 ms ~ 2.5s/call) We cannot avoid that as opencv require a numpy array as input for the transformations
Stats: 1 epoch = 49 usable patches = 27min15s -> 33s between 2 usable patches in general 180 patches usable with cache creation script (for one set of augmentations)
For further usage, to create the cache use the cache_generation branch
Cf #29 for bug informations
Main ideas:
Problems: Currently f4290b7 :
Solution: Put a balanced augmented dataset patches of 1000 px width (square).
Problem: We would like to have rotated source images on which we compute patches. Too much memory required
Solution: Inverse transformation