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Create Future Energy Scenario (FES) Building Block Data #42

Open slowe opened 2 years ago

slowe commented 2 years ago

This will use updated versions of e.g. FES 2021 Building Blocks - Version 8.0 which also uses Building Block Definitions 2021. The building blocks are a large flat file and each building block represents a parameter for the visualisation.

Building block labels perhaps could be generated using the columns Technology, Technology detail, Units, and Detail. @jrgwhiteford is <1MW equivalent to domestic and >=1MW equivalent to commercial? Do you have a suggestion for how to concatenate these columns together into a human-friendly label for each building block?

jrgwhiteford commented 2 years ago

the size (<1MW, >=1MW) don't equate to domestic and commercial.

the label could be generated with Technology +Technology detail + Units + Detail for "Generation"

for "Demand" the label would be Template + Technology Detail + Units + Detail

for "Demand Low Carbon Technologies" the label would be Technology +Technology detail + Units + Detail

for "Storage &Flexibility" the label would be Technology +Technology detail + Units + Detail

slowe commented 2 years ago

Title to be updated with correct year (FES 2022) and changed to “Future Energy Scenario (FES) Building Block Data”

Subtitle changed to “Explore the geographical differences in the Building Block data within National Grid ESO’s Future Energy Scenarios 2022”

Same four scenarios (with Steady Progression renamed as Falling Short)

Retain a “Choose a parameter:” drop down, with the following options: Subtitle: “Generation”

Subtitle: “Demand”

Subtitle: “Demand Low Carbon Technologies”

Subtitle: “Storage:”

Retain a “View by:” drop down, with the following options:

Retain “Select Year ([year]):” options every year between 2021 to 2050

Retain year scroll

Retain Play and Pause animation buttons

Retain download option

Retain colour scale and adjust scale toggle as well as description of what adjusting to current year means.

Colour scheme retained

slowe commented 2 years ago

@jrgwhiteford Here's a list that I generated using your labelling method from above. Let me know if these look OK.

Dem_BB001a = Demand + Domestic (Number of) Number of domestic customers Dem_BB002a = Demand + I&C (Number of) Number of I&C customers Dem_BB002b = Demand + I&C ( Metres squared) Area of I&C customers Dem_BB003 = Demand + Demand (GWh) Total Annual consumption in GWh Dem_BB004 = Demand + Residential HP Demand (GWh) Total Annual consumption in GWh Dem_BB005 = Demand + I&C HP Demand (GWh) Total Annual consumption in GWh Dem_BB006 = Demand + EV Demand 1 (GWh) Total Annual consumption in GWh Dem_BB007 = Demand + EV Demand 2 (GWh) Total Annual consumption in GWh Dem_BB008 = Demand + Baseline Demand (GWh) Total Annual consumption in GW Dem_BB009 = Demand + Hydrogen electrolysis (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB001 = Non-renewable CHP + >=1MW (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB002 = Non-renewable CHP + <1MW (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB003 = Micro CHP + Domestic (G98/G83) (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB004 = Renewable Engines (Landfill Gas, Sewage Gas, Biogas) + (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB005 = Non-renewable Engines (Diesel) (non CHP) + () Gen_BB006 = Non-renewable Engines (Gas) (non CHP) + (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB007 = Fuel Cells + (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB008 = OCGTs (non CHP) + (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB009 = CCGTs (non CHP) + (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB010 = Biomass & Energy Crops (including CHP) + Includes Biomass Conversions (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB011 = Waste Incineration (including CHP) + (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB012 = Solar Generation + Large (G99) (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB013 = Solar Generation + Small (G98/G83) (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB014 = Wind + Offshore Wind (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB015 = Wind + Onshore Wind >=1MW () Gen_BB016 = Wind + Onshore Wind <1MW (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB017 = Marine + Tidal Stream, Wave Power, Tidal Lagoon (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB018 = Hydro + Not pumped hydro (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB019 = Geothermal + (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB020 = Nuclear + (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB021 = Coal + COAL (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB022 = Interconnector + IC (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB023 = Hydrogen fuelled generation + Hydrogen (MW) Installed capacity Gen_BB024 = Offshore-Wind (off-Grid) + NC_GEN (MW) Installed capacity Lct_BB001 = Electric Vehicles + Pure Electric (vans, cars & motorbikes) (Number of) Number of EVs registered in the specific geographical area Lct_BB002 = Electric Vehicles + Plug-in-hybrid (vans, cars and motorbikes) (Number of) Number of EVs registered in the specific geographical area Lct_BB003 = Electric Vehicles + Pure Electric (road vehicles other than vans, cars and motorbikes) (Number of) Number of EVs registered in the specific geographical area Lct_BB004 = Electric Vehicles + Plug-in-hybrid (road vehicles other than vans, cars and motorbikes) (Number of) Number of EVs registered in the specific geographical area Lct_BB005 = Heat Pumps + Domestic - Non-hybrid (Number of) Number of Heat Pumps registered in the specific geographical area Lct_BB006 = Heat Pumps + Domestic - Hybrid (Number of) Number of Heat Pumps registered in the specific geographical area Lct_BB007 = Heat Pumps + I&C - Non-hybrid (Number of) Number of Heat Pumps registered in the specific geographical area Lct_BB008 = Heat Pumps + I&C - Hybrid (Number of) Number of Heat Pumps registered in the specific geographical area Lct_BB009 = District Heating + (Number of properties connected to DH) Lct_BB010a = Electric Vehicle Charging units + Domestic (Number of) Number of domestic charging units Lct_BB010b = Electric Vehicle Charging units + Domestic (MW) Installed capacity of domestic charging units Lct_BB011a = Electric Vehicle Charging units + Workplace (Number of) Number of Workplace charging units Lct_BB011b = Electric Vehicle Charging units + Workplace (MW) Installed capacity of Workplace charging units Lct_BB012a = Electric Vehicle Charging units + Public Slow/Fast (Number of) Number of Public Slow/Fast charging units Lct_BB012b = Electric Vehicle Charging units + Public Slow/Fast (MW) Installed capacity of public Slow/Fast charging units Lct_BB013a = Electric Vehicle Charging units + Public Rapid (Number of) Number of Public Rapid charging units Lct_BB013b = Electric Vehicle Charging units + Public Rapid (MW) Installed capacity of public Rapid charging units Lct_BB014 = Airconditioning units + A/C Domestic units (Number of) Lct_BB015 = Airconditioning units + A/C I&C units (Number of) Srg_BB001 = Storage + Batteries (MW) Installed capacity (MWh?) Srg_BB002 = Storage + Domestic Batteries (G98) (MW) Installed capacity Srg_BB003 = Storage + Pumped Hydro (MW) Installed capacity Srg_BB004 = Storage + Other (MW) Installed capacity Srg_BB005 = Storage + V2G (MW availability) Potential MW available to participate Srg_BB006a = I&C Flexibility + I&C Flexibility (TouT) (MW availability) Potential MW available to participate in DSR Srg_BB006b = I&C Flexibility + I&C Flexibility (TouT) (% customers) % Potential participating customers Srg_BB007a = Domestic Flexibility + Electric Vehicle Smart Charging (TouT) (MW availability) Potential MW available to participate in DSR Srg_BB007b = Domestic Flexibility + Electric Vehicle Smart Charging (TouT) (% customers) % Potential participating customers Srg_BB08a = Domestic Flexibility + Domestic Flexibility (TouT) (MW availability) Potential MW available to participate in DSR Srg_BB08b = Domestic Flexibility + Domestic Flexibility (TouT) (% customers) % Potential participating customers

slowe commented 2 years ago

@jrgwhiteford I've spotted that "Demand: Number of domestic customers" isn't included in the visualisation. That is because, when my script parsed the building block definitions, that entry has "Data used for FES is provided under licence from Oxford Economics. We are unable to redistribute this data through the building blocks due to the terms of the licence." in the "ESO Comments" column. But I notice that Dem_BB001a does seem to exist in the building blocks data. Should that data be there? Or is the comment wrong?

jrgwhiteford commented 2 years ago

This data was made available later in the year and we didn't update the building block definitions so we can add it to the visualisation

jrgwhiteford commented 1 year ago

The new building blocks data for FES 22 is available:

slowe commented 1 year ago

@jrgwhiteford In the new building block data, some of the building blocks have empty values for later years where they had previously had the value "0" e.g. Gen_BB001 looks like this:

Central Forecast,Gen_BB001,MW,South Western,Abham,,20.9,20.9,20.9,20.9,20.9,20.9,20.9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Am I OK to insert zeros? At the moment the NaN values are causing issues later on.

slowe commented 1 year ago

@jrgwhiteford Actually, I'm not sure it is a problem after all so don't worry about it. I think I was comparing the wrong output with the wrong input.

slowe commented 1 year ago

@jrgwhiteford Are there some issues with FES 2022 Building Blocks - Version 1.0? There seem to be more than one row per Scenario+BuildingBlock+GSP. For instance, Leading the Way,Gen_BB001,MW,South Western,Abham appears twice in the file but with different values in the year columns.