RobTillaart / GY521

Arduino library for GY521 accelerometer- gyroscope a.k.a. MCU-6050
MIT License
38 stars 16 forks source link

Calibration never zeros out #18

Closed Fengist closed 3 years ago

Fengist commented 3 years ago
13:04:18.394 ->     ACCELEROMETER       GYROSCOPE       TEMPERATURE
13:04:18.394 ->     -8.040  2.777   -500.143    0.568   -2.084  1.113
13:04:18.394 ->     axe aye aze gxe gye gze T
13:04:18.394 -> 480 -0.018  0.005   -1.042  0.019   0.041   0.013   39.77
13:04:18.584 -> 481 -0.016  0.006   -1.042  -0.029  -0.003  -0.050  39.84
13:04:18.725 -> 482 -0.017  0.006   -1.042  0.005   0.020   0.072   39.79
13:04:18.863 -> 483 -0.017  0.006   -1.042  0.042   -0.053  -0.061  39.83
13:04:19.049 -> 484 -0.017  0.006   -1.043  -0.041  0.048   0.060   39.77
13:04:19.187 -> 485 -0.017  0.007   -1.042  0.013   0.001   -0.018  39.82
13:04:19.378 -> 486 -0.017  0.006   -1.042  0.034   -0.045  -0.005  39.82
13:04:19.556 -> 487 -0.017  0.007   -1.042  -0.049  0.002   0.036   39.80
13:04:19.704 -> 488 -0.016  0.006   -1.043  0.017   0.013   -0.014  39.82
13:04:19.844 -> 489 -0.016  0.006   -1.044  0.035   -0.029  -0.034  39.77


13:11:07.122 ->     ACCELEROMETER       GYROSCOPE       TEMPERATURE
13:11:07.122 ->     -53.020 16.354  -3115.312   0.550   -2.084  1.194
13:11:07.122 ->     axe aye aze gxe gye gze T
13:11:07.122 -> 2990    -0.022  0.004   -1.042  0.023   0.038   -0.060  39.82
13:11:07.259 -> 2991    -0.020  0.004   -1.043  0.005   0.027   -0.027  39.84
13:11:07.446 -> 2992    -0.021  0.003   -1.043  -0.006  -0.040  0.068   39.80
13:11:07.586 -> 2993    -0.020  0.004   -1.042  0.021   -0.018  -0.088  39.81
13:11:07.773 -> 2994    -0.021  0.005   -1.042  0.008   -0.003  0.047   39.85
13:11:07.915 -> 2995    -0.020  0.005   -1.043  -0.038  0.004   -0.016  39.82
13:11:08.102 -> 2996    -0.021  0.004   -1.043  0.026   0.019   0.023   39.78
13:11:08.242 -> 2997    -0.020  0.003   -1.043  0.000   -0.017  -0.040  39.82
13:11:08.430 -> 2998    -0.021  0.004   -1.042  -0.025  0.039   0.042   39.80
13:11:08.572 -> 2999    -0.021  0.003   -1.041  0.037   -0.021  -0.018  39.83

In my case, the values for the accel and gyro switched.

RobTillaart commented 3 years ago

(added backquotes for layout - readability)

Quite busy so little time to analyze in depth the coming days.

Can you tell (post) which sketch you are using? Can you tell the steps you took during callibration?

Fengist commented 3 years ago

No rush, just pointing out what I found.

That's your readCalibration.ino sketch. I hooked the ground wire to the ADO and changed the address to GY521 sensor(0x68). That's the only changes. I had the GY on a breadboard hooked to a Mega.

After that, I loaded your test1.ino sketch, ran it and started moving the breadboard around. That's when I realized that the values for the gyro and accelerometer were switched. I later hooked 5v to the ADO and changed the address to 0x69 but it didn't make any difference.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Merkxic commented 3 years ago

I was having the same problem, and I think I found the issue and fixed it.

I looked through the library code and found that the acceleration measurements were never adjusted directly. I'm still new to this platform so I will simply paste the whole GY521.cpp code with my fix; my fix can be found at lines 110-113.

On the other hand my fix may create problems elsewhere but I cant be sure for now, as I'm still new to this library. The potential issue can be found at lines 120-124, and I've commented my thoughts.

//    FILE: GY521.cpp
//  AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.2.3
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for I2C GY521 accelerometer-gyroscope sensor
//     URL:
//  0.1.0   2017-11-20  initial version
//  0.1.1   2020-07-09  refactor + initial release
//  0.1.2   2020-08-06  fix setAccelSensitivity + add getters
//  0.1.3   2020-08-07  fix ESP support + pitch roll yaw demo
//  0.1.4   2020-09-29  fix #5 missing ;
//  0.1.5   2020-09-29  fix #6 fix math for Teensy
//  0.2.0   2020-11-03  improve error handling
//  0.2.1   2020-12-24  arduino-ci + unit tests
//  0.2.2   2021-01-24  add interface part to 
//                      add GY521_registers.h
//  0.2.3   2021-01-26  align version numbers (oops)

#include "GY521.h"

// keep register names in sync with BIG MPU6050 lib
#include "GY521_registers.h"

#define GY521_WAKEUP                 0x00

#define RAD2DEGREES                 (180.0 / PI)

GY521::GY521(uint8_t address)
  _address = address;

#if defined (ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
bool GY521::begin(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl)
  Wire.begin(sda, scl);
  return isConnected();

bool GY521::begin()
  return isConnected();

bool GY521::isConnected()
  return (Wire.endTransmission() == 0);

bool GY521::wakeup()
  return (Wire.endTransmission() == 0);

int16_t GY521::read()
  if (_throttle)
    if ((millis() - _lastTime) < _throttleTime)
      return GY521_THROTTLED;

  // Connected ?
  if (Wire.endTransmission() != 0) return GY521_ERROR_WRITE;

  // Get the data
  int8_t n = Wire.requestFrom(_address, (uint8_t)14);
  if (n != 14) return GY521_ERROR_READ;
  _ax = _WireRead2();  // ACCEL_XOUT_H  ACCEL_XOUT_L
  _ay = _WireRead2();  // ACCEL_YOUT_H  ACCEL_YOUT_L
  _az = _WireRead2();  // ACCEL_ZOUT_H  ACCEL_ZOUT_L
  _temperature = _WireRead2(); // TEMP_OUT_H    TEMP_OUT_L
  _gx = _WireRead2();  // GYRO_XOUT_H   GYRO_XOUT_L
  _gy = _WireRead2();  // GYRO_YOUT_H   GYRO_YOUT_L
  _gz = _WireRead2();  // GYRO_ZOUT_H   GYRO_ZOUT_L

  // time interval
  uint32_t now = millis();
  float duration = (now - _lastTime) * 0.001;   // time in seconds.
  _lastTime = now;

  // Convert raw acceleration to g's
  _ax *= _raw2g;
  _ay *= _raw2g;
  _az *= _raw2g;

  //FIX// Error correct raw acceleration (in g) mesurements //FIX//
  _ax += axe;
  _ay += aye;
  _az += aze;

  // prepare for Pitch Roll Yaw
  _aax = atan(_ay / hypot(_ax, _az)) * RAD2DEGREES;
  _aay = atan(-1.0 * _ax / hypot(_ay, _az)) * RAD2DEGREES;
  _aaz = atan(_az / hypot(_ax, _ay)) * RAD2DEGREES;

  // Error correct the angles !!!!!!Potentialy redondant!!!!!!!
  // _aax, _aay, and _aaz would already be affected by my fix (I think)
  _aax += axe;
  _aay += aye;
  _aaz += aze;

  // Convert to Celsius
  _temperature = _temperature * 0.00294117647 + 36.53;  //  == /340.0  + 36.53;

  // Convert raw Gyro to degrees/seconds
  _gx *= _raw2dps;
  _gy *= _raw2dps;
  _gz *= _raw2dps;

  // Error correct raw gyro measurements.
  _gx += gxe;
  _gy += gye;
  _gz += gze;

  _gax += _gx * duration;
  _gay += _gy * duration;
  _gaz += _gz * duration;

  _yaw = _gaz;
  _pitch = 0.96 * _gay + 0.04 * _aay;
  _roll = 0.96 * _gax + 0.04 * _aax;

  return GY521_OK;

bool GY521::setAccelSensitivity(uint8_t as)
  _afs = as;
  if (_afs > 3) _afs = 3;
  uint8_t val = getRegister(GY521_ACCEL_CONFIG);
  if (_error != 0)
    return false;
  // no need to write same value
  if (((val >> 3) & 3) != _afs)
    val &= 0xE7;
    val |= (_afs << 3);
    if (setRegister(GY521_ACCEL_CONFIG, val) != GY521_OK)
      return false;
  // calculate conversion factor.
  _raw2g = (1 << _afs) / 16384.0;
  return true;

uint8_t GY521::getAccelSensitivity()
  uint8_t val = getRegister(GY521_ACCEL_CONFIG);
  if (_error != GY521_OK)
    return _error; // return and propagate error (best thing to do)
  _afs = (val >> 3) & 3;
  return _afs;

bool GY521::setGyroSensitivity(uint8_t gs)
  _gfs = gs;
  if (_gfs > 3) _gfs = 3;
  uint8_t val = getRegister(GY521_GYRO_CONFIG);
  if (_error != 0)
    return false;
  // no need to write same value
  if (((val >> 3) & 3) != _gfs)
    val &= 0xE7;
    val |= (_gfs << 3);
    if (setRegister(GY521_GYRO_CONFIG, val) != GY521_OK)
      return false;
  // calculate conversion factor.
  _raw2dps = (1 << _gfs) / 131.0;
  return true;

uint8_t GY521::getGyroSensitivity()
  uint8_t val = getRegister(GY521_GYRO_CONFIG);
  if (_error != GY521_OK)
    return _error; // return and propagate error (best thing to do)
  _gfs = (val >> 3) & 3;
  return _gfs;

uint8_t GY521::setRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value)
  // no need to do anything if not connected.
  if (Wire.endTransmission() != 0) 
    _error = GY521_ERROR_WRITE;
    return _error;
  return GY521_OK;

uint8_t GY521::getRegister(uint8_t reg)
  if (Wire.endTransmission() != 0)
    _error = GY521_ERROR_WRITE;
    return _error;
  uint8_t n = Wire.requestFrom(_address, (uint8_t) 1);
  if (n != 1) 
    _error = GY521_ERROR_READ;
    return _error;
  uint8_t val =;
  return val;

// to read register of 2 bytes.
int16_t GY521::_WireRead2()
  int16_t tmp =;
  tmp <<= 8;
  tmp |=;
  return tmp;

// -- END OF FILE --
RobTillaart commented 3 years ago

@Merkxic Thanks, I updated your post to have proper back quotes and syntax highlighting (you might check it)

Will dive into it asap, but I'm quite busy at the moment so it will take time...

Fengist commented 3 years ago

Sorry, trying to get a busted 3d printer to work. As soon as I get it fixed, I'll get back to testing the Arduino side of this robotics project and let you know if it works. It's been a few days since I messed with it but one thing I recall is that the z axis always shows slightly more than 1 (unless it's upside down then it's 0) while x and y show slightly more than

  1. When your code was trying to zero that out, it just kept adding those numbers over and over again so they just kept increasing.

On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 1:59 PM Rob Tillaart @.***> wrote:

@Merkxic Thanks, I updated your post to have proper back quotes and syntax highlighting (you might check it)

Will dive into it asap, but I'm quite busy at the moment so it will take time...

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Fengist commented 3 years ago

Just got a chance to test the new code. Seems to be working as intended. Thanks Merkxic. Time to get serious and write the code for the robot. Will let you guys know if I find any more problems.

On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 4:09 PM Rod Kinnison @.***> wrote:

Sorry, trying to get a busted 3d printer to work. As soon as I get it fixed, I'll get back to testing the Arduino side of this robotics project and let you know if it works. It's been a few days since I messed with it but one thing I recall is that the z axis always shows slightly more than 1 (unless it's upside down then it's 0) while x and y show slightly more than

  1. When your code was trying to zero that out, it just kept adding those numbers over and over again so they just kept increasing.

On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 1:59 PM Rob Tillaart @.***> wrote:

@Merkxic Thanks, I updated your post to have proper back quotes and syntax highlighting (you might check it)

Will dive into it asap, but I'm quite busy at the moment so it will take time...

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RobTillaart commented 3 years ago

@Fengist @Merkxic (sorry it took so long) Had a look at the proposed code and created a new branch called develop (prepared as a 0.3.0 release) Can you please verify if the code in the develop branch works for you?

Thanks, Rob

Changes The develop branch includes the lines 110-114 with adjusted comments from Merkxic

  //FIX// Error correct raw acceleration (in g) mesurements //FIX//
  _ax += axe;
  _ay += aye;
  _az += aze;

And it removed the lines 120-124 as these are incorrect - they were already in my 0.2.3 version

  // Error correct the angles !!!!!!Potentialy redondant!!!!!!!
  // _aax, _aay, and _aaz would already be affected by my fix (I think)
  _aax += axe;
  _aay += aye;
  _aaz += aze;

Analysis-note _aax is an angle (radians) and _axe = acceleration (m/s^2) so unit wise it could never be correct. Same for the _aay and _aaz of course.