RobWin / jgitflow-gradle-plugin

A Gradle Plugin which adds tasks to support the Gitflow Workflow.
Apache License 2.0
48 stars 44 forks source link

Issue #13 #14

Closed mrollo closed 7 years ago

mrollo commented 7 years ago

Added support for a pushRelease property to be passed to the releaseFinished task.

This allows for finishing the release locally without pushing the changes to remote. This may be useful if you want a CI system to execute gitflow tasks, but cannot expose credentials used for pushing commits to remote.

coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage increased (+1.1%) to 53.571% when pulling 4883b68caa64375c17c9770d63546ae213226469 on mrollo:feature/make-push-optional-in-releaseFinish into 7c836622a096b8ae73037f08f90c8a8fff60c2e5 on RobWin:master.

RobWin commented 7 years ago
