RobWunderlich / CubeTester

Performance tester for Qlik Hypercubes
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Add some basic examples / How To's, to improve usability #4

Open pogross opened 4 years ago

pogross commented 4 years ago

Some basic examples would really help to get started with this cool tool! 😄

I just recently started working with Qlik and it is really hard to get around all the details of the ecosystem and the APIs. I tried to dig through the code but without specific knowledge on the Qlik API and JS it is not easy to work through the code itself. My specific problem was to use the extract method to get stuff out of a app. After fiddling around with the parameters I got rid of the connection errors but always ended up with App not found. In the end, I also cannot be sure if the connection really worked because I am not sure if all possible errors are reported.

So from my point of view it would really help to provide some basic example in the Readme in a "How to" manner walking the user through the usage and holding his hand. Maybe assume some basic setup defaults of the server and give directions on how to find out he right parameters, e.g., where to find the app id.

If I could, I would happily contribute such a tutorial to the repo but with my limited knowledge its not possible.

RobWunderlich commented 4 years ago

Good suggestion. I'll add it to the list.
This video by Clever Anjos provides some intro material. It's in Portuguese, but perhaps useful even if you don't speak the language.