Robbendebiene / Gesturefy

Navigate, operate, and browse faster with mouse gestures! A customizable Firefox mouse gesture add-on with a variety of different commands.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Gestures stops working on certain pages #13

Closed ryanbr closed 6 years ago

ryanbr commented 7 years ago


On the left hand side, click on 'Best Octa-core TV Boxes' under the "Best-sellers 2017" menu, this will open a new web page.

New web page won't allow gestures to work.

Robbendebiene commented 7 years ago

Sorry I'm not able to reproduce your bug. I've clicked the link which opened the following page: where gestures are working without any problems for me.

ryanbr commented 7 years ago

Reproducible under Firefox nightly

ryanbr commented 7 years ago

Came across another one, it seems if the browser launches a popup window/tab, Gesturefy will fail to acknowledge that new tab.

Click on the instagram username "lizziemarvelly" launches a new tab, Gesturefy won't work on new instagram tab

Robbendebiene commented 7 years ago

This is totally a firefox related bug.Every time a new tab/window gets opened from within a page the content script injection fails with the following error:

TypeError: context.contentWindow is null[Learn More]  ExtensionContent.jsm:317:9
TypeError: win is null[Learn More]  ExtensionUtils.jsm:143:3

Interestlingly it's working if you open the tab manually in a new tab/window.

All you can do is to open in a new bug on

ryanbr commented 7 years ago

Sure, If you wish to add anything..

happysurf commented 7 years ago

In my case the "Scroll to the top" and "Scroll to the bottom" doesn't work on my Gmail page, other gestures works fine. For now tested this morning only on Firefox 52.5.0 ESR + Gesturefy 1.03 on XP.

Robbendebiene commented 7 years ago

@happysurf is your gmail page looking like this: In other words does the scrollbar take the full space at the right side? If not then this isn't a bug, because currently scroll to top/bottom only works for the main scrollbar. I would like to enhance that, but I haven't found a good method yet.

happysurf commented 7 years ago

My Gmail page is the same of your example image with the scrollbar to the right for the entire page. See my image here:

Robbendebiene commented 7 years ago

Yep but the scrollbar is not taking the full height. There also exist some rarely cases where it does take the full height but still wont work. I'll look again for a possible solution, but I'm not very optimistic.

happysurf commented 7 years ago

Sorry but I don't understand what do you mean with the "full height".

Robbendebiene commented 7 years ago

I'm talking about the height of the browsers window where your webpage gets displayed. In your case there is a little white bar (containing the settings icon) at the top which "prevents" the scrollbar to be as high as the window.

happysurf commented 7 years ago

OK I understand now, but Gmail layout is the same for all I think. Thanks for the explanation.

Robbendebiene commented 7 years ago

but Gmail layout is in the same for all I think.

Yes, I was just wanted to point out that this does not apply to every web page :)

happysurf commented 7 years ago

Same problem in Yahoo Mail with similar layout. If is not an API limitation, you will definitely find a solution. This is your next challenge. :)

ghost commented 6 years ago

I've noticed it not working also but just with pages that use frames. I know, very few sites still use frames but considering my crappy internet lately, I've been checking the stats on my modem page a lot and I forget gesturefy doesn't work with framed sites, at least not those that are all frames.

Robbendebiene commented 6 years ago

@mathew832 I know how annoying this is and would love to fix this, but its the same problem as for pure svg pages, they both miss the root body element and also don't support drawing. As far as I know there is nothing I can do with the current API, sorry.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Ah, makes sense and completely understandable on Mozilla's part but maybe they'll revise the API to allow this. I understand not giving access to the addon site and about: pages or being able to manipulate them but surely there's some sort of function they'd allow such as closing the page. Seems they're starting it all off with simple, safe and functional APIs for the time being.

ryanbr commented 6 years ago Cant get Gesturefy to work on this page, is it me or the extension?

Robbendebiene commented 6 years ago

Because this website is using the old html frameset/frames and for a long time I thought I'm not able to fix this, but I figured a way out :)

ryanbr commented 6 years ago

Any updates on this? I decided to try on our internal websites which use iframes and Gesturefy didn't work :/ Guessing this would affect a few sites

Robbendebiene commented 6 years ago

I submitted the new version to Mozilla yesterday, since version 1.1.7 gestures should work on pages with framesets without any problems. But iframes should already work in the previous version.

happysurf commented 6 years ago

New version works on Gmail or Yahoo Mail? EDIT: The new version is fantastic, works everywhere and is full of gestures. Is still impossible make a gesture for get the focus in location bar? Will be great have in the future the option for Import - Export settings. Thank you very much for your work.

Robbendebiene commented 6 years ago

Is still impossible make a gesture for get the focus in location bar?

Sadly no. Currently there is no API to focus the location bar, but mozilla is looking into it. However I would not expect this to happen soon.

Thanks for testing the release! I'm still a little bit nervous that I might have broken some of the functionality, because I did a lot of internal code changes.

Robbendebiene commented 6 years ago

Since every problem that applies to this issue is solved, I'm closing this. Please open a new one if you find any further problems.