Robert-s-Rules-of-Order-RONR / Introduction

The Robert Rules of Procedure is an advanced technology widely used in this world, This technology is mainly used in the country's highest level system. The developer organization of Robert-s-Rules-of-Order-RONR was created by OOO, dedicated to proposing solutions to the world ’s most difficult things. The founder's words: If we are so close to each other, even the most difficult things in the world can be solved effectively. This is what I have been doing. There is a possibility that you will achieve your dream here.
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Introduction #1

Open zhaoyang1101 opened 4 years ago

zhaoyang1101 commented 4 years ago

### The Robert Rules of Procedure is an advanced technology widely used in this world, This technology is mainly used in the country's highest level system.

The developer organization of Robert-s-Rules-of-Order-RONR was created by Chao-Yang,CHI, dedicated to proposing solutions to the world ’s most difficult things.

The founder's words: If we are so close to each other, even the most difficult things in the world can be solved effectively. This is what I have been doing. There is a possibility that you will achieve your dream here.

The basics that everyone is required to learn: advanced mathematics Linear algebra calculus Fourier function

Everyone will be invited to study - Exercises developed by the founder:

  1. vector
  2. 九宮
  3. Trees growing
  4. 100 positive difference and 1 complete deficit (Social respect)
  5. Number line growth and mathematics

Everyone is required to have: Control over yourself (EX: not taking harmful substances, not engaging in negative behaviors, a healthy and improved life)

Extensive imagination (EX: Imagine what you can achieve, imagine a life you can control, imagine any positive influence you can make for the world)

Highly discerning or determined to learn highly discerning (Note: When learning advanced technology, you must confirm that your body, mind, and spirit are in line with the situation. The organization has shown that people who have not honestly faced their own situation or gradually learned have already faced an irreversible situation.)

Have a concept or act of sustainable development (EX: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals)

Greatest respect

Questions to be tested to become a member or learner: (Industry practitioners or academic credit approvers can be exempted from the project-but still must pass or fill in the organizational vision and personal development promotion test questions set by the organization for everyone

The test questions are as follows:

  1. vector Imagine that you stand at a central point, and all your thoughts and actions start from one point

  2. 九宮 Jiu-gong (Nine Chinese Palace) The story of the Nine Palace: Views of nine palaces completely instant method based on the design of the proposed Chinese palace, in conception, Jiugong is a white palace, the palace gates for each channel begin with Wang Jian(King key) canonized, unless it is clean and accurate thinking, Otherwise, you can't get out of the palace, and the cream-white palace will be the most suitable for seeing the negative.

Jiu-gong is the most suitable solution for our language knowledge base and rules of procedure, because Jiu-gong can easily build a temporary space to place the project (or the language code in the language knowledge base)

  1. Trees growing This is a daily life that I put forward when I was 16 years old. At that time, I never thought that this would become the biggest basis for my future organization. The topic will discuss the design of life and development. You will use your effort to design your own life.

  2. 100 positive difference and 1 complete deficit (Social respect) 100 positive and 1 complete deficit is a "social respect" that I often discuss with my students when I serve as the chairman of the parliament. I remember when I was a student, I prepared the class myself and taught about 100 Students, which also includes many leaders, but it also means "I have increased 100 positive individual differences in the part of promoting society", but a regretful thing happened. A student committed a crime. At this time, we did n’t have many ways to effectively manage the crime. At this point, there was a “1 complete deficit”. This deficit came fast, followed by a positive difference, a series of down ... The positive seems to be Stop everything. You will have to learn "Social Respect Problems" and try to solve 1 complete deficit

  3. Number line growth and mathematics We discussed environmental issues, and I tried to put forward proposals in this regard, trying to do my best for sustainable development; we exist in a three-dimensional space, which is the knowledge we must have. The tester must study the "sustainable development plan" at the same time as the test and describe their ideas in words

zhaoyang1101 commented 4 years ago

I designed a new paper template for our organization. In the future, the papers and research published by our organization will likely be published on the major platforms in the form of joint platform release. Among them, we have applied the standards used by Google The format of the thesis, which has been revised by the public version of the organization. If you are interested in joining the organization, you can discuss "Examination Questions and Research Templates" with me

We have added 19 new paper standard requirements required by the organization. sincere