RobertApikyan / SegmentedControl

Android SegmentedControl + multi row support
Apache License 2.0
162 stars 30 forks source link

No selectedStrokeColor #15

Closed CubanJaco closed 5 years ago

CubanJaco commented 5 years ago

Hi Robert. Great work.

I have a small problem with segment control.

I have the following on XML < android:id="@+id/segmented_control" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_below="@id/data_package" android:layout_margin="@dimen/small_margin" app:columnCount="3" app:distributeEvenly="true" app:radius="12dp" app:strokeWidth="2dp" app:focusedBackgroundColor="@color/pb_bg_color" app:selectedBackgroundColor="@color/pb_bg_color" app:selectedStrokeColor="@color/white" app:selectedTextColor="@color/white" app:textVerticalPadding="6dp" app:unSelectedStrokeColor="@color/white_disabled" app:unSelectedTextColor="@color/white_disabled" />

and this from Kotlin:

segmented_control.removeAllSegments() val items = mutableListOf<String>() (segmented_control as SegmentedControl<String>).addSegments(items)

segmented_control.setSelectedSegment(AppPreferences.lastPositionSegment) if (!update) { showDates(AppPreferences.lastPositionSegment) }

segmented_control.addOnSegmentClickListener { val position = it.absolutePosition AppPreferences.lastPositionSegment = it.absolutePosition showDates(position) }

But still getting a collorAccent stroke line when is selected a button, even when i defined on XML to use white color app:selectedStrokeColor="@color/white"

RobertApikyan commented 5 years ago

Hi, It's sims a bug, will be fixed in next release, but for now try to use instead of white color this one #fffffe

CubanJaco commented 5 years ago

Thanks Robert, it's working fine with #fffffe color, its curious because with #ffffff do not work. Again, amazing job! Thanks