RobertCNelson / armv7-multiplatform

MIT License
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fatal: empty ident name (for <user@server.(none)>) not allowed #4

Closed xypron closed 10 years ago

xypron commented 10 years ago

I have set a git identity:

git config-l Name

When running I get an error

fatal: empty ident name (for user@server.(none)) not allowed You need to set your committer info first git tree is clean...

*\ Please tell me who you are. Run

git config --global "" git config --global "Your Name"

to set your account's default identity. Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.

Why should a build script care about my identity? Why does it require something already known?

RobertCNelson commented 10 years ago

Sure blame the messenger.. ;) The build script and I do not care about your identity. That's one reason when the script recognizes an empty config it gives you the fake user/email:

The issue is; this script uses 'git', specifically "git am " and starting at some point with the v1.8.x tree it is now much more picky about

So, moving forward, if you'd like to use my build scripts, just follow along, otherwise go complain to:

So, closing as I can't do anything about it... ;)
