RobertD502 / home-assistant-petkit

Home Assistant integration for PetKit devices
MIT License
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Pet weight rounded on pura max #51

Closed override80 closed 6 months ago

override80 commented 6 months ago


for some reason the sensor for my cats weight is rounded since a few days ago (3400g, 3800g, etc).


Do you have any hint? I am attaching the debug log.

2023-12-21 06:22:43.428 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.petkit] Found the following PetKit devices/pets: PetKitData(user_id='xx', feeders={}, litter_boxes={100019620: LitterBox(id=100019620, device_detail={'id': xxx, 'mac': 'xx', 'sn': 'xx', 'secret': 'xx', 'createdAt': '2022-11-25T11:18:18.029+0000', 'name': 'PETKIT PURA MAX', 'hardware': 1, 'firmware': '1.456', 'firmwareDetails': [{'module': 'userbin', 'version': 2310010}, {'module': 'pics', 'version': 2220001}, {'module': 'lans', 'version': 2245001}], 'timezone': 1.0, 'signupAt': '2023-12-19T08:49:05.573+0000', 'locale': 'Europe/Rome', 'user': {'id': 'xxx', 'nick': 'xxxx', 'gender': 2, 'avatar': '', 'point': {'honour': 'LV0', 'rank': 0, 'growth': 17, 'icon': '', 'icon2': '', 'startGrowth': 0, 'endGrowth': 50}}, 'shareOpen': 1, 'autoUpgrade': 1, 'relation': {'userId': '100454792'}, 'withK3': 1, 'k3Id': 100028385, 'btMac': 'xxx', 'settings': {'litterFullNotify': 1, 'lackSandNotify': 1, 'workNotify': 0, 'petInNotify': 0, 'lackLiquidNotify': 1, 'deodorantNotify': 1, 'sandType': 2, 'manualLock': 0, 'lightMode': 1, 'lightRange': [0, 1440], 'autoWork': 1, 'fixedTimeClear': 0, 'fixedTimeRefresh': 0, 'downpos': 1, 'deepRefresh': 0, 'weightPopup': 1, 'autoIntervalMin': 1800, 'stillTime': 120, 'unit': 0, 'language': 'en_US', 'languageFollow': 0, 'softMode': 0, 'avoidRepeat': 0, 'underweight': 0, 'kitten': 0, 'kittenTipsTime': 0, 'stopTime': 600, 'languages': ['zh_CN', 'zh_TW', 'en_US', 'es_ES', 'ko_KR', 'it_IT', 'ja_JP', 'pt_PT', 'de_DE', 'fr_FR', 'ru_RU'], 'kittenPercent': 0.8, 'dumpSwitch': 1, 'autoRefresh': 0, 'disturbMode': 0, 'disturbRange': [1320, 360], 'relateK3Switch': 1, 'lightest': 2720, 'deepClean': 0, 'lightConfig': 2, 'bury': 0, 'lightMultiRange': [[360, 1320]], 'disturbConfig': 2, 'distrubMultiRange': [[1200, 420]], 'controlSettings': 0}, 'k3Device': {'id': 100028385, 'mac': 'a4c1388410d8', 'sn': '20220326M40469', 'secret': '7d70a1b6b1ba', 'createdAt': '2022-11-25T11:19:30.000+0000', 'updateAt': '2023-12-21T03:01:21.000+0000', 'userId': '100454792', 'name': 'The Smart Spray', 'hardware': 1, 'firmware': 39, 'settings': {'liquidLackSwitch': 1, 'fixedTimeRefresh': 0}, 'timezone': 1.0, 'relation': {'userId': '100454792'}, 'relateT4': 100019620, 'battery': 90, 'liquid': 100, 'refreshing': -1, 'lighting': -1, 'voltage': 0, 'liquidLack': 3}, 'petOutTip': 1, 'multiConfig': True, 'state': {'wifi': {'ssid': 'xxxx', 'bssid': 'xxxx', 'rsq': -32}, 'pim': 1, 'ota': 0, 'overall': 1, 'sandCorrect': 0, 'liquidReset': 0, 'sandWeight': 5731, 'sandPercent': 89, 'usedTimes': 0, 'sandType': 2, 'sandStatus': 1, 'box': 0, 'liquid': 100, 'battery': 90, 'petInTime': 0, 'power': 1, 'petError': False, 'deodorantLeftDays': 13, 'liquidLack': False, 'boxFull': False, 'liquidEmpty': False, 'sandLack': False, 'lowPower': False}, 'lastOutTime': 28, 'petOutRecords': [[14151, 28]], 'inTimes': 1, 'totalTime': 3463, 'specialLitterAd': {'adDetailUrl': '', 'adSwitch': 0, 'adLinkUrl': '', 'label': '跨年', 'labelUrl': '', 'labelName': '专用猫砂'}, 'maintenanceTime': 1702625399, 'petInTipLimit': 15}, device_record=[{'deviceId': xxx, 'eventType': 10, 'timestamp': 1703127379, 'content': {'timeIn': 1703127351, 'timeOut': 1703127379, 'autoClear': 1, 'interval': 2, 'petWeight': 3426}, 'enumEventType': 'pet_out', 'userId': 'xxx', 'petId': '100640035', 'subContent': [{'deviceId': xxx, 'eventType': 5, 'timestamp': 1703127680, 'content': {'startTime': 1703127501, 'startReason': 0, 'litterPercent': 89, 'box': 0, 'result': 0, 'boxFull': False}, 'enumEventType': 'clean_over', 'userId': '100454792', 'subContent': []}], 'avatar': '', 'petName': 'Nespola'}], statistics={'statisticTime': '20231221', 'totalTime': 28, 'times': 1, 'avgTime': 28, 'statisticInfo': [{'statisticDate': '20231221', 'petTimes': 1, 'petTotalTime': 28, 'petWeight': 3426, 'petId': 'xxx', 'petName': 'Nespola', 'xTime': 14151}], 'petIds': [{'id': 'xxx', 'name': 'Nespola'}]}, type='t4', manually_paused=False, manual_pause_end=None)}, water_fountains={}, pets={100640033: Pet(id='100640033', data={'activeDegree': 0, 'avatar': '', 'birth': '2013-07-20', 'category': {'avatar': '', 'id': 10042, 'name': 'Mix'}, 'createdAt': '2022-11-25T11:14:58.000Z', 'deviceCount': 0, 'emotion': 0, 'familyId': xxxx, 'femaleState': 2, 'gender': 2, 'id': 'xxxx', 'isRoyalCaninPet': 0, 'maleState': 0, 'name': 'Vaniglia', 'owner': {'deviceCount': 0, 'id': '100454792', 'petCount': 0, 'userCount': 0}, 'size': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Standard'}, 'states': [], 'type': {'id': 2, 'name': 'Cat'}, 'updatedAt': '2023-11-15T21:47:07.000Z', 'weight': 3.579, 'weightControl': 3, 'weightControlTips': {}, 'weightLabel': 'Normal'}, type='Cat'), 100640034: Pet(id='100640034', data={'activeDegree': 0, 'avatar': '', 'birth': '2013-07-20', 'category': {'avatar': '', 'id': 10042, 'name': 'Mix'}, 'createdAt': '2022-11-25T11:16:21.000Z', 'deviceCount': 0, 'emotion': 0, 'familyId': 100454792, 'femaleState': 2, 'gender': 2, 'id': '100640034', 'isRoyalCaninPet': 0, 'maleState': 0, 'name': 'Cannella', 'owner': {'deviceCount': 0, 'id': '100454792', 'petCount': 0, 'userCount': 0}, 'size': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Standard'}, 'states': [], 'type': {'id': 2, 'name': 'Cat'}, 'updatedAt': '2023-12-20T14:12:06.000Z', 'weight': 3.919, 'weightControl': 3, 'weightControlTips': {}, 'weightLabel': 'Normal'}, type='Cat'), 100640035: Pet(id='100640035', data={'activeDegree': 0, 'avatar': '', 'birth': '2013-06-21', 'category': {'avatar': '', 'id': 10042, 'name': 'Mix'}, 'createdAt': '2022-11-25T11:16:57.000Z', 'deviceCount': 0, 'emotion': 0, 'familyId': 100454792, 'femaleState': 2, 'gender': 2, 'id': '100640035', 'isRoyalCaninPet': 0, 'maleState': 0, 'name': 'Nespola', 'owner': {'deviceCount': 0, 'id': '100454792', 'petCount': 0, 'userCount': 0}, 'size': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Standard'}, 'states': [], 'type': {'id': 2, 'name': 'Cat'}, 'updatedAt': '2023-12-20T05:51:10.000Z', 'weight': 3.4, 'weightControl': 3, 'weightControlTips': {}, 'weightLabel': 'Normal'}, type='Cat')}, purifiers={})
2023-12-21 06:22:43.428 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.petkit] Finished fetching petkit data in 0.875 seconds (success: True)
RobertD502 commented 6 months ago

The native state returned is in kilograms (this is obtained by dividing the petWeight by 1000 and rounding to 1 decimal). In your log it would be 3426 / 1000 = 3.4 Kg. If you are displaying the weight in grams the 3.4 Kg gets reported as 3400 grams.

[{'statisticDate': '20231221', 'petTimes': 1, 'petTotalTime': 28, 'petWeight': 3426, 'petId': 'xxx', 'petName': 'Nespola', 'xTime': 14151}]

override80 commented 6 months ago

OK, because i am pretty sure that I displayed 3426 or whatever weight with grams precision at a certain point. Just asking because I have 2 of my cats whose weight is pretty close, having precision at gram level could help.

stale[bot] commented 6 months ago

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