RobertDober / earmark_parser

The Markdown to AST part of Earmark.
Apache License 2.0
68 stars 26 forks source link

Footnote body rendered verbatim #1

Closed RobertDober closed 4 years ago

RobertDober commented 4 years ago
here is my footnote[^1]

[^1]: here is some [information](

[information]( is rendered verbose

iex(9)> as_ast(x, footnotes: true)
   {"p", [],
      "here is my footnote",
         {"href", "#fn:1"},
         {"id", "fnref:1"},
         {"class", "footnote"},
         {"title", "see footnote"}
       ], ["1"], %{}}
    ], %{}},
   {"div", [{"class", "footnotes"}],
      {"hr", [], [], %{}},
      {"ol", [],
         {"li", [{"id", "fn:1"}],
            {"p", [],
               "here is some [information](",

This refers to