RobertFrydenlund / SpotifyPlugin

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Cover and DefaultCover locations are shared across all measures #4

Open tjhrulz opened 7 years ago

tjhrulz commented 7 years ago

If a second measure is loaded with a different Cover and DefaultCover location the original skin will get the second skins Cover and DefaultCover location. While if it was just cover it would not be a big deal just slap a disclaimer on it and move on, DefaultCover is the same way which a bigger concern. However just making these not static will cause a different bug as then you will have to worry about write locking the file and writing to the same file more than once.

While the plugin functioning this way is okay in a normal use case there are several use cases where this may not be wanted. Such as if they wanted to download to two different locations and change one of the images, or wanted two different DefaultCovers in the same skin or group of skins, or using two different spotify skins at the same time.