RobertJN64 / TKinterModernThemes

A collection of modern themes with code that makes it easy to integrate into a tkinter project.
MIT License
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Suggestion: More customisability #6

Open GloriousGlider8 opened 1 month ago

GloriousGlider8 commented 1 month ago

Instead of being limited to 3 themes (or 6 for light & dark), a function could instead offer more customisability.

The function would work like this: TKMT.GenerateTheme(name, mode, foreground, background, accent) name: the name of the theme mode: light or dark (this affects other things such as the text color) foreground: foreground color (button background e.t.c, can be RGB, HEX whichever is easier to implement) background: background color (window background, can be RGB, HEX whichever is easier to implement) accent: accent color (selected checkbox color e.t.c, can be RGB, HEX whichever is easier to implement)

This would then generate a folder in the script's directory where there would be the tcl and resources files. This would be a great idea and would allow more color themes!

RobertJN64 commented 1 month ago

The themes in TKMT were created by and have many .png files that make up the elements. I don't current have a way to generate these automatically - but if that code were to be written I would be happy to add it.

GloriousGlider8 commented 1 month ago

I will try to make some code to do that and, if you want, submit a PR to add the code.