RobertMyles / tidyRSS

An R package for extracting 'tidy' data frames from RSS, Atom and JSON feeds
82 stars 20 forks source link

Join error for some feeds #45

Closed RobertMyles closed 4 years ago

RobertMyles commented 4 years ago

Error:byrequired, because the data sources have no common variables

Seen with:

RobertMyles commented 4 years ago
> tidyfeed("")
GET request successful. Parsing...

# A tibble: 5 x 7
  feed_link   feed_pub_date       item_title      item_link         item_description             item_pub_date       item_guid        
  <chr>       <dttm>              <chr>           <chr>             <chr>                        <dttm>              <chr>            
1 http://abi… 2019-08-21 18:54:45 What makes a g… http://abigailse… "\nThis blog post is about … 2019-08-12 23:00:00 http://abigailse…
2 http://abi… 2019-08-21 18:54:45 Deep Learning,… http://abigailse… "\n\n  \n     (and video pl… 2018-02-20 23:00:00 http://abigailse…
3 http://abi… 2019-08-21 18:54:45 Four deep lear… http://abigailse… "\n\n\n\n\n\n// Define the … 2017-08-29 23:00:00 http://abigailse…
4 http://abi… 2019-08-21 18:54:45 Four deep lear… http://abigailse… "\n\n\n\n\n\n// Define the … 2017-08-29 23:00:00 http://abigailse…
5 http://abi… 2019-08-21 18:54:45 Taming Recurre… http://abigailse… "\nThis blog post is about … 2017-04-15 23:00:00 http://abigailse…

> tidyfeed("")
GET request successful. Parsing...

# A tibble: 10 x 12
   feed_link feed_description feed_pub_date       feed_last_build_da… feed_category feed_generator item_title item_link
   <chr>     <chr>            <dttm>              <dttm>              <chr>         <chr>          <chr>      <chr>    
 1 http://a… Leaving the Pip… 2020-02-18 20:26:47 2020-02-18 20:26:47 bash          Jekyll v3.8.5  Clone all… http://a…
 2 http://a… Leaving the Pip… 2020-02-18 20:26:47 2020-02-18 20:26:47 bash          Jekyll v3.8.5  How style… http://a…
 3 http://a… Leaving the Pip… 2020-02-18 20:26:47 2020-02-18 20:26:47 bash          Jekyll v3.8.5  My first … http://a…
 4 http://a… Leaving the Pip… 2020-02-18 20:26:47 2020-02-18 20:26:47 bash          Jekyll v3.8.5  How to co… http://a…
 5 http://a… Leaving the Pip… 2020-02-18 20:26:47 2020-02-18 20:26:47 bash          Jekyll v3.8.5  How big i… http://a…
 6 http://a… Leaving the Pip… 2020-02-18 20:26:47 2020-02-18 20:26:47 bash          Jekyll v3.8.5  Filter ov… http://a…
 7 http://a… Leaving the Pip… 2020-02-18 20:26:47 2020-02-18 20:26:47 bash          Jekyll v3.8.5  Function … http://a…
 8 http://a… Leaving the Pip… 2020-02-18 20:26:47 2020-02-18 20:26:47 bash          Jekyll v3.8.5  Function … http://a…
 9 http://a… Leaving the Pip… 2020-02-18 20:26:47 2020-02-18 20:26:47 bash          Jekyll v3.8.5  Sublime T… http://a…
10 http://a… Leaving the Pip… 2020-02-18 20:26:47 2020-02-18 20:26:47 bash          Jekyll v3.8.5  Custom ch… http://a…
# … with 4 more variables: item_description <chr>, item_pub_date <dttm>, item_guid <chr>, item_category <list>