RobertMyles / tidyRSS

An R package for extracting 'tidy' data frames from RSS, Atom and JSON feeds
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Feed parse error: #66

Closed jzadra closed 1 year ago

jzadra commented 1 year ago appears to be a valid feed, but it isn't parsing.

RobertMyles commented 1 year ago

Works fine for me, jzadra:

#> GET request successful. Parsing...
#> # A tibble: 25 × 12
#>    feed_title    feed_…¹ feed_…² feed_…³ feed_pub_date       feed_last_build_d…⁴
#>    <chr>         <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <dttm>              <dttm>             
#>  1 Lost Coast O… http:/… Lost C… en-us   2022-12-28 07:36:25 2022-12-28 07:36:25
#>  2 Lost Coast O… http:/… Lost C… en-us   2022-12-28 07:36:25 2022-12-28 07:36:25
#>  3 Lost Coast O… http:/… Lost C… en-us   2022-12-28 07:36:25 2022-12-28 07:36:25
#>  4 Lost Coast O… http:/… Lost C… en-us   2022-12-28 07:36:25 2022-12-28 07:36:25
#>  5 Lost Coast O… http:/… Lost C… en-us   2022-12-28 07:36:25 2022-12-28 07:36:25
#>  6 Lost Coast O… http:/… Lost C… en-us   2022-12-28 07:36:25 2022-12-28 07:36:25
#>  7 Lost Coast O… http:/… Lost C… en-us   2022-12-28 07:36:25 2022-12-28 07:36:25
#>  8 Lost Coast O… http:/… Lost C… en-us   2022-12-28 07:36:25 2022-12-28 07:36:25
#>  9 Lost Coast O… http:/… Lost C… en-us   2022-12-28 07:36:25 2022-12-28 07:36:25
#> 10 Lost Coast O… http:/… Lost C… en-us   2022-12-28 07:36:25 2022-12-28 07:36:25
#> # … with 15 more rows, 6 more variables: item_title <chr>, item_link <chr>,
#> #   item_description <chr>, item_pub_date <dttm>, item_guid <chr>,
#> #   item_category <list>, and abbreviated variable names ¹​feed_link,
#> #   ²​feed_description, ³​feed_language, ⁴​feed_last_build_date

Created on 2022-12-28 with reprex v2.0.2