RobertTLange / gymnax

RL Environments in JAX 🌍
Apache License 2.0
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Gymnasium API update #38

Open smorad opened 1 year ago

smorad commented 1 year ago

Will gymnax update their API in-line with gymnasium? Namely the recent breaking change in gym/gymnasium where step returns terminated, truncated instead of done?

wookayin commented 1 year ago


The use of gym in this package is optional, and it could be replaced by import gymnasium as gym and as a fallback to gym. The package itself should not depend on gym.

YannBerthelot commented 3 months ago


I would like to bring this subject back up as it is important.

Is there any plan to switch the current gymnax API (that returns done) to the gymnasium API (the returns terminatedand truncated) ?

I know that gymnax doesn't rely on gym to function, I'm talking about the return of the gymnax environments themselves.

As to why it's important to allow for the distinction between terminatedand truncated, here is a nice explication from gymnasium :

If you'd prefer I can write the PR myself.