RobertsLab / 2017-hackweek

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hummingbird update and permissions #18

Closed jldimond closed 7 years ago

jldimond commented 7 years ago

I realize this is not hackweek anymore, but thought this would be an appropriate place to post a few issues.

3 things:

  1. Should we update hummingbird's OS - it is still running OS X - ?

  2. I've tried installing some things (e.g. coreutils) via brew and do not have permission (user: srlab).

  3. Finally, sort of unrelated, but why would this command work at the terminal but not in a jupyter notebook (using NCBI Entrez Direct, and yes I did use ! in jupyter):

esearch -db nuccore -query "Symbiodinium [ORGN] AND Symbiodinium sp. clade D [ORGN]" | efetch -format fasta > /Volumes/toaster/jdimond/Porites-astreoides-RAD/data/SymCladeD.fasta

kubu4 commented 7 years ago

This issue was moved to RobertsLab/resources#30