RobertsLab / project-olympia.oyster-genomic

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Sample 2bRAD ss3-20? #22

Open sr320 opened 7 years ago

sr320 commented 7 years ago

In going through the data from @ksil91 's 2bRAD, I cannot find the corresponding raw data for ss3-20... any clues to what might be going on?


kubu4 commented 7 years ago

First thing I noticed is that it's not listed in the barcodes list that was provided to Genewiz. At the very least, this suggests that sample would not have been demultiplexed.

However, I can't determine if that sample was even sequenced. On the project wiki, Katherine provides a link to all of the samples she's processed: Common Garden DNA Samples. There's a sheet in that workbook that's titled "Libraries", but I can't decipher how the samples in that sheet match up with the library names. Additionally, when I filter that sheet for what I think is the correct sample group (Oyster Bay, Family 3), the Sample marked as 20 has a note next to it that says "labelled SS3_15w":


ksil91 commented 7 years ago

A few of the sample names on the barcode sheet I provided Genewiz were incorrect (see Issue 12. I have corrected all of the raw file names for the data I downloaded, but I did not correct them in that directory on nightingales (not sure I have that ability).

kubu4 commented 7 years ago

I think we should leave the FASTQ filenames as they are.

However, I'm not sure of the best way to track this info (particularly since some of the samples are referenced across different projects)...